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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scottish SPCA launches urgent appeal for donations

This news post is almost 5 years old

The charity could face a 20% fall in its annual income this year due to the coronavirus.

The Scottish SPCA could face a 20% fall in its annual income because of the coronavirus, the animal welfare charity has warned.

In recent weeks, almost 1,500 supporters have cancelled their monthly donations to the charity, while vital fundraising events and sponsored challenges have also been cancelled while the pandemic is ongoing.

Despite the funding drop, Scottish SPCA staff around the country continue to perform their duties, answering more than 11,000 calls to the charity’s helpline since the nation entered lockdown.

Over this period, inspectors have responded to 4,400 reports of animals in urgent need while 700 animals are receiving rehabilitation at the charity’s National Wildlife Rescue Centre.

An emergency fostering service has also been launched to free up space as the charity continues to rescue animals without being able to rehome them. There are concerns that the problem will only get worse as financial struggles lead to people abandoning their pets.

Now, a new campaign is calling for urgent support from the public with a simple message – don’t forget the animals.

Scottish SPCA chief executive Kirsteen Campbell said: “Our frontline teams, whether on our helpline, out on the road, or in a rescue centre, are still here fighting to rescue and care for every single animal we can.

“We know Scotland is a nation of animal lovers and now, more than ever, we ask that they don’t forget the animals.

“Every single person who signs up to support us with a monthly donation will make a difference and will save lives.”

The Scottish SPCA receives no government funding and is entirely reliant on donations from the public. A recent survey revealed that 25% of people confuse the organisation with the RSPCA, which does the same work but in England and Wales only. The survey found that 7% of Scots have donated to the RSPCA since December 2018.

Anyone wishing to donate to the appeal or become a Scottish SPCA member can do so via the charity’s website.