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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Secret Santa leaves charity surprise donation

This news post is about 4 years old

Anonymous benefactor leaves generous cash sum

A north east charity has received a surprise funding boost – from a mystery Santa. Staff at North East Sensory Services (NESS) discovered the £1,000 gift signed from a benefactor naming themselves as Santa at its John Street base in Aberdeen on 7 January.

The envelope had been placed behind the front door with the word ‘donation’ written on it and a sticker which read 'from Santa', and upon opening it the worker found £1,000 in cash.

The charity – which supports people with sensory impairments in Aberdeen, Dundee and right across the north east – said it wanted to thank the anonymous donor.

The cash will go towards helping blind and deaf people take part in society, access benefits they deserve, and support them in finding and retaining jobs.

Members of the charity’s Facebook page paid tribute to the generous supporter. One said: “What a lovely thing to do. Thank you whoever you are.” Another added: “That’s lovely. Thank you on behalf of the service users you will be supporting.” 

Graham Findlay, chief executive of North East Sensory Services, said: “We couldn’t believe it when we discovered the gift coming back after Christmas.

“We’ve no idea who it is from because it was signed simply ‘from Santa’ – but whoever it was has made a tremendous difference.
“Not only will the money be put to good use, but this act of generosity has really lifted spirits within the charity too.

“Times are tough for everyone just now, so the fact somebody thought of NESS for this considerable donation is really touching.

“The money will go towards supporting people with sensory impairments across the north east, and help them take part in society to the same extent as everyone else.”



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