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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Single people most likely to be left homeless

This news post is over 9 years old

Research reveals single Scots least likely to get homelessness support when they need it

Less than half of Scotland’s single homeless are found accommodation when they need it, despite the country having the most progressive housing legislation in the world.

According to research published in a new report from homelessness charity Crisis, only 47% of single homeless people – people without dependent children – receive a tenancy through their local council when they become homeless, compared to 66% of families being found a settled home.

Ann Landels, director of Crisis Scotland, said: “Scotland is an international leader in its approach to tackling homelessness.

“All homeless people in Scotland are now entitled to accommodation, providing they are unintentionally homeless.

“But this research shows there are still challenges to be faced. Single homeless people are still not getting the help they need, and face real inconsistency in the level of support they get depending on which council they go to for help.”

This study shows that efforts to prevent homelessness are highly inconsistent - Peter Mackie

The charity is now calling for a review of how homelessness support in Scotland is working.

Report author Peter Mackie said: “The assistance offered to single homeless people in Scotland is exceptional when compared to other developed nations and we must recognise this.

“However, this study shows that efforts to prevent homelessness are highly inconsistent and many single homeless people are not finding a home when they seek local authority assistance.

“We must look carefully at the services offered by local authorities if we really wish to meet the needs of single homeless people.”

The findings come despite legislation which came into force in 2013 entitling anyone finding themselves homeless through no fault of their own to a permanent home. Previously, single homeless people had to prove themselves particularly vulnerable in order to qualify for such support.

Help available to single homeless people varies greatly between local authorities, the report warns. Some councils were much more likely to put people into temporary accommodation, while others spent very long periods of time processing homelessness applications.

And some councils had much higher rates of people ending up homeless on multiple occasions.

The report also calls on the Scottish Housing Regulator to carry out a review of how homelessness support is working across Scotland.



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over 9 years ago
the current government is definitely on a mission to make life harder than it is already. it's as if they are now making it a crime to be single. it's so unfair.
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