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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Small charities face a fight for survival

This news post is over 10 years old

​Research shows that the work of local charities often goes unrecognised

A large proportion of people in Scotland have never heard of small, local charities in their area – and less than half of people have donated to one.

New research conducted by Localgiving shows that although these groups provide valuable services to the community, securing regular funding can be extremely difficult, leaving many at risk of closure.

The research, conducted to investigate the current state of the local charity sector, found that 70 per cent of people in Scotland felt it important to contribute to their community.

However, 44 per cent of those surveyed had never made a donation to a local charity in their hometown.

A quarter were completely unaware that local charities are in need of financial support.

Small charities in Scotland make an incredible difference. Sadly, many are struggling and in great need of our support.

Over a quarter (27%) of those surveyed in Scotland were unable to name a local charity in their hometown.

The research has been conducted to coincide with Localgiving’s annual national fundraising campaign – Grow Your Tenner.

The campaign, which launches this week and is backed by the new minister for civil society, Rob Wilson MP, aims to raise £4 million for local charities across the UK by matching donations made to local charities up to £10.

With Gift Aid, a one-time donation of £10 made through during Grow Your Tenner will generate £21.55.

Wilson said: “Local charities are the lifeblood of communities across the UK and are well placed to understand and react to the needs of local people. The government’s matched fund grant for Localgiving’s Grow Your Tenner campaign will enable donations from the public to go even further and support these organisations in the fantastic work that they do.”

Small and local charities account for over 50% of the UK’s voluntary sector but receive only 0.6% of charitable funding.

Localgiving is running its Grow Your Tenner campaign to support local organisations across the UK to raise much needed awareness and funding.

Marcelle Speller, chairman and founder of Localgiving, said: “Small charities in Scotland play a vital role in the community – from shelters and support groups providing front-line services, to social care networks, environmental organisations and arts societies – they make an incredible difference. Sadly, many are struggling and in great need of our support.

“To a small local charity, just £10 can have a genuine impact. Grow Your Tenner is a fantastic opportunity for supporters of local charities to maximise the effect of their giving and be part of something amazing that will help communities right across the country.”