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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Social care in Scotland faces looming staff crisis

This news post is over 7 years old

​Demand will massively outstrip available workforce in 10 years

Scotland's social care sector faces a massive staffing crisis, a new report warns.

Demand for care home places is expected to grow 70% in 10 years with more than 90,000 new staff needed over the next two decades to cope with the rising number of over-85s.

Over the same time period, the number of people of working age is projected to fall by 171,000.

The shortfall in available staff is thought to be worst in Lanarkshire, Fife and the Highlands.

JLL, which provides property services in the care home industry, say demand for beds will reach 63,000 places by 2036, compared to 37,500 today.

The number of Scottish over-85s will more than double to 250,000 during this period, according to current projections.

A report from the firm titled The Social Care Deficit said £3.5bn in new investment would be needed in Scotland's care home sector alone.

Alan Bennett, director at JLL Alternatives in Scotland, said: "Our report shows a growing need across Scotland for additional staff in the care sector to look after older people with long-term care needs.

"However, the issue of staff shortages is severely compounded by a reduction in the pool of the working age population.

"Based on our projections, the shortfalls will be most pronounced in Lanarkshire, Fife and the Highlands."

Fiona McKay from Fife Health and Social care Partnership, said: “We have developed a range of models of community care as part of our strategic planning process, to ensure that people receive the right care and support, at the right time, in the right setting based on individual needs.”

The shortfalls will be most pronounced in Lanarkshire, Fife and the Highlands - Alan Bennett

Meanwhile a spokeswoman for Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire said it was working to address the problem, including creating a Health and Social Care Academy aimed at creating jobs in the sector.

Health secretary Shona Robison said that the NHS was investing almost half a billion of frontline funding into social care and integration giving more people the right care in the right setting.

She said: “The integration of health and social care plays a key part in this, by placing a greater emphasis on community-based and preventative care, which will equip our services for future challenges.”



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over 7 years ago
We need to put more value on the staff carrying out the jobs of looking after our sick and elderly. Many care staff are paid just over minimum wage for a very demanding role which allows us to know our family are safe and cared for. There needs to be something done to increase salaries to help social care workers have less financial burdens and feel valued for the special jobs they do. It may also encourage more people into the field.
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over 7 years ago
Eventually, it is a revolution, as opposed to development, that is expected to unpick the foundational issues that drive the activities of both well-being and social care. Yet, to get that going, we require a coordinated effort, not dismay.
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