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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Social letting agency unveils all-female management team

This news post is almost 5 years old

Homes for Good leases 500 properties to people on low incomes or benefits.

Scotland’s first social enterprise letting agency has unveiled its all-female management team.

Homes for Good (HfG) specialises in providing homes for people on low incomes or benefits, and already has a management portfolio of 500 properties in Glasgow and the west of Scotland.

The agency, which was recently awarded £2.4 million from the National Lottery Community Fund to roll out its model across the UK, hopes to grow to 1,000 homes within the next four years.

Executive director Susan Aktemel has now appointed a “first-class” management team to help build the company she founded in 2013.

Ms Aktemel, an experienced property developer, previously created arts and regeneration charity Impact Arts. In 2017 she received an honorary doctorate from Strathclyde Business School for achievements in social enterprise, and two years later she was inducted into the Strathclyde Academy for Distinguished Entrepreneurs in 2019

She said: “I am really pleased to have built this six-strong female leadership team, who have first class experience and a strong track record in their respective fields of housing, care, social business and finance.

“Over the next four years we planned to grow to 1,000 homes under management, raise a further £20m investment and work with over 300 landlords and 1500 tenants, providing quality homes for people who need them. We are extremely well placed to achieve this with this excellent team of professional women. I am lucky and proud to have them on board.”

Joining Ms Aktemel on the HfG team are director of assets and governance Alice Simpson, director of operations Kara Ried, Joey Lawrie, head of tenancy support and partnerships, programme director for replication and learning Karen Leigh Anderson and part-time finance director Lorna Wyllie.