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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Staff believe Brexit will be bad for their charity

This news post is about 8 years old

Third sector staff are overwhelmingly negative about the prospects for the third sector outside of the EU, according to new research

Nine out of 10 third sector employees are concerned about the impact Brexit will have on their charities.

Nearly as many, 85%, believe it will have a negative impact on their organisations according to a surveycarried out by third-sector recruitment firm the Right Ethos.

The survey found that around 90% of people in the third sector voted to remain in the EU, with only 6% saying they had voted to leave.

The sector has views that differ substantially from the wider public, who of course pushed towards leaving - Jonathan Dearth

Four in five respondents believe that charities will find it harder to achieve their goals outside of the EU and many are worried in particular about funding, with 79% believing funding will be limited.

Jonathan Dearth, founder and director of the Right Ethos, said: “Immediately it’s observable that the sector has views that differ substantially from the wider public, who of course pushed towards leaving. This difference widens when we look at those at a level of head of and above where less than 1% voted to leave.

“Looking at the rest of the data we can see the overwhelming opinion is that Brexit will have harmful implications for the sector. 88% of those in head of and above roles were to some degree concerned by the result of the referendum and 95% felt that Brexit would ultimately have some level of negative impact on their organisation.

“These results are unsurprising given the number of people who supported the remain campaign. It is worth noting that there was no real strong consensus over how negative Brexit would be. This potentially reflects the level of uncertainty in regards to the consequences of Britain leaving the EU and the fact that Brexit is likely to affect each individual organisation differently.”

The survey results appear to suggest that the immediate economic impact of the vote to leave the EU is already beginning to worry senior staff in UK charities.

One respondent said: “Funding is the key issue for our organisation. We are heavily dependent upon government funding, and given Brexit, it is likely that money available will reduce.”

Another said: “Economic uncertainty always has a negative impact on donations and grants. Brexit has created huge economic uncertainty and I think we are going to see the impact of that”

Policy gridlock was also a key concern for organisations worried that government would too distracted by the fallout of Brexit to give attention to their causes.

One respondent said: “It will be much more difficult to get through to government over the next few months, while they sort themselves out. The same goes for media coverage.”

Charities are also fearful that they may lose valuable European staff following the decision to leave the EU.



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about 8 years ago
The negativity of the third sector has been absolutely incredible after Brexit. People must remember the economy is greatly affected by human behaviour and by refusing to accept the result or sulking they are making matters worse. There are great opportunities as a result of Brexit and these are barely being mentioned within the third sector. Another thing that must be heeded is that the ignorant; racist and uneducated leave voters are likely to be your clients and those your charities aim to support. If you wanted the status quo and for the UK to grow 1% per year for the next decade then fair dos but your clients wanted to take the chance that trading more effectively with the 90% of the world outside the EU would bring!
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Charles Hutchison
about 8 years ago
I have tried to get a copy of your Paper from May this year, on the paradox between privatised Council depts and their "charity" status.Please can you send me a copy.
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