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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Stop “perverse” Tory lottery cash grab

This news post is over 9 years old

UK government Big Lottery cash raid must be opposed

Plans by the UK government to slash Scotland’s Big Lottery Fund budget by 40% have been blasted as “perverse”.

It is understood that ministers in London are set to raid the Big Lottery Fund (BLF) by a reported £320 million a year – meaning £30m from Scotland’s £70m could be cut.

This is to offset cuts made to the art and sports sector.

However, Martin Sime, chief executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, has called for a complete rethink, pointing out the damage a cut on this scale could do to third sector groups which rely on the cash.

These proposals are particularly perverse - Martin Sime, SCVO

He has written to both Holyrood social justice secretary Alex Neil MSP and to Scottish secretary David Mundell on the issue.

In the letter to Mundell, Sime states: “The impact on Big’s funding capacity is likely to be severe at a time when demand for their support has never been greater.

“The challenge here is to understand that government austerity has an impact with vulnerable people and communities which Big grant recipients are doing their best to counteract. This context makes these proposals particularly perverse.”

The Big Lottery Fund in Scotland originally postponed plans for a launch of its new funding programme, but then decided to go ahead on the basis of its current £70m – details will be made known next Thursday (26 November).

A BLF Scotland spokeswoman said: “Our funding reaches every community in the UK, with over 13,000 grants made last year alone.

“Should this information [about the Westminster cash grab] be true it would have a significant impact on our efforts to support people and improve the lives of thousands of families.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “If these reports turn out to be true it would be devastating to the immensely valuable work of the Big Lottery Fund in Scotland. The Lottery programmes make a vital contribution to the well-being of so many people and communities.

“Any cuts to the Big Lottery funding would have serious implications for communities across Scotland and would be unacceptable.

“If serious consideration is being given to cutting the Big Lottery budget, this has not been discussed with Scottish ministers. The UK government should be doing everything it can to protect BLF funding not looking to cut it.”



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over 9 years ago
It really is looking like we are so not bettertgetha eh. Nuff said.
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