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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Sturgeon told: live up to climate pledges

This news post is almost 10 years old

Scottish Government must live up to environmental pledges, say campaigners

Environmental charities and activists are set to amass outside the Scottish Parliament to put pressure on the government to live up to its promises on climate change.

The activities will gather outside the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday, 27 May to call on First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to deliver on the world-leading Scottish Climate Change Act, progress towards which is so far lagging. They will also push for leadership on climate action internationally.

Environmentalists claim 2015 is a vital year for climate action both at home and abroad. The Scottish Government will report back on its progress towards meeting its emissions reductions targets set out in the climate act, and the next stage of the UN climate talks will be held in Paris in December.

The lobby is being co-ordinated by Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, a coalition of green groups drawn from across Scottish civil society.

A spokesperson said: “For the love of all the things we care about, we're taking climate change seriously. And we're not alone.

“Join us to hand in thousands of messages from all across Scotland to the First Minister, demand action on our climate commitments and to push for leadership on climate action internationally.

The event takes place on Wednesday, 27 May from 12-2pm.

Stop Climate Chaos is also urging people to send a message to Nicola Sturgeon, demanding she ensure the Scottish Government meets its climate change commitments.



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almost 10 years ago
Important to note that SCCS isn't just 'Environmental charities and activists', or 'a coalition of green groups'. Much, much broader than that.For example, even a quick glance at the photo at the top of the article shows there are banners from Christian Aid, Iona Community, SCIAF, SEAD, Justice & Peace and Oxfam.
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almost 6 years ago
we are inthe heart of glasgow we are recycling a building food clothing and get no support we are makeing glasgow greener we need support to do more ,help goverment we are in education all who wsih it,come down help out
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