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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Ten years on and air ambulance celebrates success and saving lives

This news post is almost 2 years old

Reponded to more than 5,000 call outs

Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance has marked its 10th anniversary

The charity, formed on May 22, 2013, has responded to nearly 5,000 call outs, helping to save thousands of lives – particularly in remote and rural areas across the north-east.

In 10 years, the charity has grown from a one aircraft service at Perth to a two-helicopter fleet based at Perth and Aberdeen, with two rapid response vehicles responding to nearby emergencies.

As Scotland’s only charity air ambulance, the organisation does not receive statutory government funding and solely relies on donations from the public.

It has raised £50 million since its creation, doubled crew numbers, extended its operational hours, developed its workforce and built an army of nearly 200 volunteers nationwide.

The charity dedicated the milestone to the memory of SCAA founder and chairman John Bullough, who suddenly passed away earlier this month.

SCAA chief executive David Craig said: “John always described SCAA as ‘The People’s Helicopter’ – funded by the people of Scotland, for the people of Scotland and we will continue that legacy, with the public’s support, into the future.”

To commemorate the 10 year milestone, the organisation is running a fundraising campaign calling for supporters to donate £20 in order to add their name to a new decal which will be applied to the helicopters.

Craig added: “From the visionaries who turned an idea into reality, the frontline crews who work tirelessly to fly paramedic and critical doctor-led teams to emergencies, our Board of Trustees who govern the charity and set its strategic direction, the charity team who promote and deliver many activities and drive SCAA forward, the volunteers who help maintain a public profile, right through to the businesses, trusts, foundations, organisations and individuals whose never-failing generosity has sustained our service even through the most challenging times – the country owes them all a huge debt of gratitude.”