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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Nazi-linked military charity condemned by regulator

This news post is over 8 years old

The UK fundraising regulator has condemned a charity that was selling anti-Islamic and Neo-Nazi merchandise to raise funds

A military charity which was caught selling anti-Islamic and Nazi-themed clothing has been condemned by the UK Fundraising Regulator.

The activities of a group called 1st Knight has been exposed in a BBC Scotland documentary.

1st Knight says it is a veterans’ charity which provides respite breaks abroad for ex-military personnel with post-traumatic stress disorder.

However, journalists found that it is also pedalling anti-Muslim and Nazi paraphernalia.

Scotland’s charity regulator said the documentary focuses on an English charity which has done some fundraising in Scotland through private fundraising companies.

That is not respectful and ethical fundraising. We would not expect a professional fundraiser to engage in that sort of thing and would certainly be ready to investigate - Stephen Dunmore

1st Knight raises funds through selling prize draw tickets across Scotland and the rest of the UK, as well as selling military-style merchandise from its headquarters in Blackpool.

In the documentary, The Great Military Charity Scandal, due to be broadcast tonight (Tuesday 8 November), volunteers for the charity can be seen mocking Muslims and some Islamic beliefs.

1st Knight Military founder Andy Linihan was filmed selling a velcro badge for uniforms or baseball caps. Underneath the picture of an assault rifle were the words "72 Virgins Express".

Linihan said it referred to the shooting of suicide bombers: "When they supposedly go up to heaven or wherever they go to, there are 72 virgins waiting for them."

The charity’s shop in Blackpool was also selling anti-Islam themed clothing, including a T-shirt with a picture of two naked women, a pint of beer and pig, with the caption “Pork-eating, beer-drinking, womanising infidels.”

T-shirts and hooded tops with neo-Nazi emblems, including the skull and bones emblem, were also on sale.

All profits from the sales go to the 1st Knight military charity.

Stephen Dunmore, chief executive of the Fundraising Regulator, described the behaviour as "entirely unacceptable".

He said of the merchandise: "That is not respectful and ethical fundraising. We would not expect a professional fundraiser to engage in that sort of thing and would certainly be ready to investigate."

1st Knight told the BBC it had now withdrawn the merchandise from sale. The charity said it should not have been selling this type of merchandise and was grateful for the BBC's intervention.

1st Knight is registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales, rather than the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.



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Peter Balfour
over 8 years ago
Sarcasm has always been characteristic of British humour and is often used as a way of defusing tensions that might otherwise erupt into violence: we should think carefully before prohibiting the sale (or even the wearing) of such tops by 1st Knight military charity - no matter who it offends.
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over 8 years ago
There are plenty of Jesus and christianity themed ironic t-shirts, why they are not bothered to investigate that? How come that it is ok to joke about one religion, but not about other? That is just ridiculous.
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almost 8 years ago
Unfortunately the chap interview on secret cam by BBC Scotland has since took his life. PTSD and Agrophobia was aggravated by this situation and he was doing so well with his recovery, great shame and a great bloke RIP mate
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