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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Third sector responds to Scottish budget

This news post is over 7 years old

Cause for optimism as McKay raises taxes for the first time since devolution

Holyrood’s finance secretary has vowed to rob the rich to pay the poor after announcing the biggest rises in income tax will affect higher earners.

Taxing higher earners will enable the Scottish Government to mitigate against the worst excesses of Westminster’s austerity agenda, said Derek Mackay.

The higher rate of income tax will rise from 40p to 41p and the top rate from 45p to 46p in the pound while those earning more than £24,000 a year will also see their tax rise by a penny to 21p.

Mackay is also bringing in a new starter rate of income tax at 19p.

The finance secretary insisted the changes, which he said would raise an additional £164m, were necessary to "mitigate UK budget cuts, protect our NHS and other public services, support our economy and tackle inequality in our society."

He said the tax reforms would make "Scotland's income tax system even fairer and more progressive" and insisted no-one earning under £33,000 would pay more tax.

John Downie, director of public affairs for the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) welcomed the introduction of tax to raise additional revenue.

But he warned: “We must be careful that this divergence from the UK wide system does not have negative implications for Gift Aid, which is a valuable source of income for so many charities across the country.

He added: “We welcome the decision to remove the public sector pay cap, which will help people whose living standards have been squeezed over the past decade.

“But the budget fails to recognise the many third sector workers delivering public services who are not even being paid the living wage."

Mackay also announced the first investment in a new £50 million fund to tackle child poverty.

John Dickie, director of Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, called the move to increase taxation a “welcome step.”

He added: “With over one in four children growing up in poverty in a country as wealthy as Scotland it is a welcome step forward that the draft budget makes the case for use of tax powers to harness that wealth to prevent poverty.

“As a society we really do need to invest more in the social and economic infrastructure that is needed, along with a fairer labour market, to end child poverty, and income tax is one vital tool to ensure we have the resources to make that investment."

Mackay also said the government would invest more than £100 million to mitigate UK welfare reform including so-called bedroom tax reversal and the Scottish Welfare Fund.

And extra funding will be made available to support the "landmark step" of increasing Carer's Allowance, which will be delivered by summer 2018 and backdated to April.

The budget makes the case for tax powers to harness wealth to prevent poverty - John Dickie

Jane McPartlin of the Carers Network called the move “positive” but said carers were still waiting to see how much the increase will affect their daily lives.

Meanwhile campaign group Sustrans Scotland welcomed an £80m investment for active travel calling it a “bold statement of intent” for the country.

Sustrans Scotland director John Lauder said: "The investment ensures that 10% of the trunk roads budget is spent on walking and cycling projects and builds on the successes to date in programmes for walking, cycling and improvements to local communities.”



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Peter Dow
over 7 years ago
Mackay was wrong when he claimed that it was "not possible" to spend more and to tax less.Oh it is possible, if the Scottish government can BORROW MORE, which it could do with a NEW DEAL fiscal framework instead of the BAD DEAL AUSTERITY FISCAL FRAMEWORK which the SNP government agreed with the UK Tory government in February 2016.The fiscal framework has dropped off the Holyrood political agenda so that's why Mackay gets away with his ludicrous claim that it is "not possible" to both increase spending and cut taxes simultaneously.Perhaps it is "not possible" for the SNP to think outside of the box or move from the corner into which they have painted themselves but it would be possible for an intelligent government to demand a new deal fiscal framework, whether in negotiations with the UK or by establishing a new Scottish currency and borrowing from the newly established Scottish central bank. Peter Dow, Science and Politics. Website -
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lok yue
about 7 years ago
Ah yes, borrow more: a natural cure for all ills. "We shall borrow more to invest" is the well worn mantra. Problem is that in economic terms 'investment' generates additional income to pay back the principal. Most often, when governments of whatever hue do it, the interest on the loan, let alone the capital, remains unpaid and grows much like those unwanted fat bergs that build up in sewers.
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