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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Those most in need to benefit from lottery cash

This news post is over 9 years old

More than £4million in Big Lottery Fund cash for seven projects

Young carers, families facing break-up and children recovering from domestic abuse are all set to benefit from over £4,148,891 in grants announced from the Big Lottery Fund.

The cash is shared by seven groups all supporting communities and families in greatest need, helping them to overcome isolation and play a full part in Scottish society.

The Glasgow Association for Mental Health (GAMH), which last year faced a threat to its existence after council funding was lost, receives £678,018 to continue its vital work with young carers aged from 12 years old to 21 years old who are caring for a family member with a mental health problem.

This funding means more young carers will be given the chance to meet and develop friendships with other young people in similar circumstances, giving them a new chance to socialise without having to explain or hide their family circumstance.

The confidence gained through taking part in the project not only helps the young people build the skills they need to help them cope now but also encourages soft skills and helps ensure there are opportunities for the young people to move towards a more positive future.

Seven projects across the country will be able to assist some of our most isolated communities to overcome the barriers they face every day

Ailsa Grant, development worker at GAMH, said: “The £600k grant will continue our work with those young people aged 12-18 years old over the next five years. This will allow us to extend support up to age of 21 with a programme aimed at building employability and wider skills that will tackle the inequalities of opportunity faced by this vulnerable group as they go into adulthood.”

Vital support for families across Fife living with domestic abuse will continue thanks to today’s award of £666,733 to Fife Council’s Domestic and Sexual Abuse Partnership.

This funding means their successful Cedar (children experiencing domestic abuse recovery) project will continue for five years. The Cedar approach is a unique way of working with mothers and children, helping them to recover from domestic abuse by finding a safe place while they deal with their experiences and begin to rebuild their lives.

Working with those at risk of homelessness in Scotland’s largest city and beyond, the Glasgow Homelessness Network (GHN) receives £600,550 to tackle the root causes of homelessness.

GHN will work with up to 300 people offering social and practical support to build confidence and the skills required skills to sustain a long-term home.

Pauline McColgan, development officer at GHN, said: “Over 500 individuals at risk of or already experiencing homelessness have gained the skills and confidence to maintain their own tenancies and become active in local communities across Glasgow. This funding means we can reach more people across the West of Scotland, and build individual capacity and the capacity of local communities by harnessing the assets of the easiest to exclude community members. Enabling the potential of individuals being realised is at the heart of 4Front Learning, and this is what Big Lottery Fund will help us continue to do.”

Focusing on families most in need today’s award of £676,539 to West Lothian Council’s Social Policy Department will mean that those in the most challenging and difficult of circumstances get extra support to rebuild their relationships. Over the next five years 350 families will be assigned a key support worker who will work closely with them for up to a year to help rebuild relationships and help to maintain routine and sense of stability for children involved offering them a brighter future together.

Maureen McGinn, Big Lottery Fund Scotland chair, said: “Our Big Lottery Fund support focuses on helping people and communities in greatest need. Seven projects across the country will be able to assist some of our most isolated communities to overcome the barriers they face every day. All the funding announced today is going to be truly life changing, whether assisting children experience a childhood similar to their classmates or is helping people stay in their homes and understand how they can better afford to live.”

Other projects sharing in Big Lottery Fund grants are Liber8 Lanarkshire Limited, ng homes and Changeworks Resources For Life.