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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Thousands rally for climate, justice and jobs

This news post is over 9 years old

​More than 5000 demand action over climate change.

Thousands braved the wind and the rain to demand urgent action to halt climate change.

More than 5000 people marched through Edinburgh on Saturday ahead of United Nations talks in Paris where international leaders will attempt to agree a deal on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

The march was organised by Stop Climate Chaos, a coalition of around 60 civil society groups.

It rallied round the slogan “climate, justice and jobs” and followed a route from the Meadows to Prince’s Street Gardens, where a rally was held.

Economics, politics, prosperity are useless if we no longer have a planet upon which to enjoy them

Tom Ballantine, the coalition’s chair, said: "We're proud that so many people in Scotland have come together to show they care about the fate of others across the world and that they want to protect the planet that we all rely on.

"Scotland and the UK as a whole benefited massively from the era of fossil fuels - now we need to take our fair share of responsibility for the world's growing climate crisis."

12-year-old schoolgirl Ruby spoke at the rally. She said: a 12-year-old who campaigns on climate change and will speak at the rally, said: “There’s so much we can do over climate change - we just need to do it now. I don’t think it is fair that other people are suffering from our mistakes.

“Young people need to be heard and involved. We want our leaders to act in Paris.”

Writer and performer Hardeep Singh Kohli also addressed the crowd. He said: "Climate change is the single most challenging issue for the world. Economics, politics, prosperity are useless if we no longer have a planet upon which to enjoy them."

The Paris climate talks open on Monday (30 November).