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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Time to end “cruel” greyhound racing?

This news post is over 6 years old

League Against Cruel Sports says it's time to stop greyhound racing

Over 1,000 racing greyhounds die or are killed each year, according to new figures by the dog racing industry.

It has also been revealed that racing dogs suffer almost 5,000 injuries a year, meaning one in every three racing dogs is injured.

The information comes from the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB), which is the self-regulating body which governs registered greyhound tracks in the UK.

Its figures show 1,003 fatalities a year. 257 dogs are euthanised at track side on “humane grounds”, 348 because treatment was deemed too expensive, there was poor prognosis or no home was found, 67 were killed due to being “unsuitable for homing” and 55 died from “sudden death”.

Chris Luffingham, director of campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said the figures show it is time to call a halt to greyhound racing.

He said: “Dog lovers around the country will be asking if one dead dog is too much to pay for a sport which is solely designed to give people something to bet on. Can this industry possibly justify 1,000 fatalities – a quarter of which actually took place at the track side? No they cannot.

“The language used by the greyhound racing industry shows they believe that over 1,000 dead dogs every year is an acceptable number. They claim they are showing care and attention to greyhounds, so it is deeply concerning to consider what they would consider negligent.”

He added: “We believe these figures disguise a life of suffering and a deplorable end for many of these dogs who are simply born to be raced. It’s time greyhound racing was consigned to the ranks of cruel sports which are no longer acceptable.”

Trudy Baker of greyhound campaigners Greyt Exploitations, suggested that the figures may be an underestimation of the problem.

She said: “The injury and retirement data is of no value unless it can be independently verified by the public. The industry has a moral duty to be accountable and transparent regarding each and every dog’s fate – by name – once they’re deemed a financial liability. Greyhounds are sentient creatures — not disposable gambling chips.”

There are only three greyhound racing tracks left in Scotland – Halcrow Stadium in Gretna, Thornton near Kirkcaldy and Shawfield in Glasgow.

Only Shawfield is registered with the the Greyhound Board of Great Britain.

The other two are known as flapping tracks, which often act as feeder stadia for bigger meets. The majority of racing greyhounds in Scotland compete at these tracks, which don’t require vets to be present or dogs to be tested for drugs.

This week the GBGB launched The Greyhound Commitment, an eight point agenda for the sport, covering animal welfare.

Mark Bird, managing director, said: “We are a country of animal lovers and sports lovers so it is vital that animal welfare is at the heart of greyhound racing. The Greyhound Commitment, sets out our intent that every greyhound that can be homed when it retires is successfully homed.

"Greyhounds make calm, gentle and loveable pets that are excellent with children and are extremely affectionate. When they retire from racing, many greyhounds are kept on as pets by their owners, breeders or trainers.

“Charities such as our partner The Greyhound Trust and others do amazing work in organising homes for greyhounds, but there is more to be done to meet our mission of every greyhound that can be homed, being homed.”



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over 6 years ago
The figures relating to greyhound deaths do not take into account the thousands of retired dogs that are sent 'alive' to China for the food trade. These dogs are inhumanely kept in cages and many boiled alive. The Greyhound Board could not care less about the animals. They are solely a commodity to earn money. I own a retired racing greyhound. Two years after adopting him, he is still terrified of men and the sound of gun shot. The cruelty in this spirt has to stop. Better still - ban it completely.
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over 6 years ago
As the casualty figures are produced by an organisation with a vested interest it's pretty certain that they're an understatement of the true situation. But even if they're accurate, the numbers are a shameful indictment of a business that exists just so people can amuse themselves with bet or several. Any compassionate person couldn't justify hundreds of needless deaths. Ban racing.
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W KIng
over 6 years ago
greyhound racing was an occasion attended by family and friends wishing to cheer home the family pet. It has become big Buisness some trainers have in excess of thirty or more dogs owned by themselves and are running them into the ground. The future is to limit number of races per meeting to eleven and number of meetings to three per week this would limit greyhounds required and stop dogs running injured to fill races .owners with one or two greyhounds are inclined to keep them as petsBetter 23
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