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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Tributes paid to local volunteers

This news post is almost 4 years old

CVS Inverclyde has thanked the efforts of communities in response to Covid-19

The response of local volunteers to Covid-19 has been praised.

CVS Inverclyde (CVSI) is paying tribute to every individual in Inverclyde who has given up their time and contributed to improving our communities and helping our neighbours.

Over the course Volunteers' Week, the organisation used its online platforms to share the inspiring stories of Inverclyde volunteers, ask for their views with its volunteering survey and given them the chance to share their thoughts in its volunteering podcast series discussing different aspects of volunteering.

CVSI chief executive Charlene Elliott, said: “Volunteers are the beating heart of the third sector and without them many organisations providing essential services wouldn’t be able to operate. There isn’t enough we can do to thank Inverclyde’s volunteers, but we organised a really exciting online campaign over the week to help express our gratitude and highlight their inspiring stories.

“This year it is especially important to celebrate the outstanding contribution of Inverclyde’s volunteers; people in Inverclyde have rallied together to support the most vulnerable in our communities. At one point we had over 600 active volunteers in Inverclyde.

 “It’s clear from the volunteers that we speak to that volunteering is beneficial in many different ways: learning new skills, making new friendships, and having a sense of purpose and belonging. We chatted about this in our two podcasts, discussing youth volunteering and the benefits of volunteering, and it was fantastic to hear from Inverclyde’s volunteers about what motivates them and what they gain from volunteering.

“Our 25 Faces of Volunteering series has also highlighted incredible stories from volunteers, past and present. It is heartening to hear how so many people have contributed their time to help their communities, provided invaluable support and care, but have also gained so much from volunteering.

“Finally, we wanted to show our appreciation as loudly as we could in the community so we took out the billboard in Greenock at the corner of Campbell Street and Brougham Street. It’s a small act but hopefully it will inspire more people to sign up as a volunteer.”

You can read the 25 Faces of Volunteering profile series on the CVISI website and the podcasts are available on Youtube and Anchor.