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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

UK needs to urgently increase intake of Syrian refugees

This news post is almost 9 years old

UK and rich countries not doing enough for refugees

Britain should significantly increase its intake of Syrian refugees.

Oxfam has called on the UK and other wealthy nations to take 10% of the 4.8 million Syrians displaced by civil war to be resettled by the end of the year.

The charity’s figures show only 1.4% had been helped so far, ahead of talks in Geneva.

Some £2.3 billion has been pledged by the UK to help people affected by the humanitarian crisis caused by the civil war in Syria, making it the second largest donor in the world after the US.

While Britain has been generous in providing financial the UK can and should do more, according to Oxfam.

Countries with strong economies and developed infrastructures need to shoulder a greater responsibility towards refugees than nations such as Lebanon and Jordan, where thousands of Syrians are now based.

Most countries have failed to provide a safe home for the most vulnerable

The Geneva conference should, the UK-based charity added, result in "urgent solutions, offering people safe and legal routes to a welcome" in other countries.

Oxfam said that countries with strong economies and developed infrastructures need to shoulder a greater responsibility towards refugees than nations such as Lebanon and Jordan, where thousands of Syrians are now based.

The Geneva conference should result in "urgent solutions, offering people safe and legal routes to a welcome" in other countries.

Mark Goldring, chief executive of Oxfam GB, said: "It's shocking that while people continue to flee Syria most countries have failed to provide a safe home for the most vulnerable."



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Yumus BeJokin
almost 9 years ago
Robert Armour's report, that Oxfam are asserting the need for more refugees in the UK, is disconcerting and fundamentally flawed, Very few of the migrants flooding into the EU are Syrian, with large numbers choosing to displace themselves for economic gain. Very few migrants successfully integrate into the UK, for example, with established Somali and Pakistani "communities" being prime examples of problems (interesting to note that Hong Kong Chinese are one of the few successful-at-integration groups).Britain needs fewer immigrants - far fewer.
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