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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Veterans face discrimination when applying for jobs

This news post is almost 5 years old

Those aged over 50 who have served in the armed forces often find it difficult to get into work, a charity study has shown

A third of older veterans experience discrimination when applying for work, a study has claimed.

Research published today (Wednesday 29 April) has found that, despite the skills and experiences that many veterans offer, over a third of 50+ service leavers reported experiencing ageism, anti-military bias or both.

The study also reporter one in five are working in non-permanent positions such as casual employment, often because they are unable to find sustainable long-term employment.

Funded by the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) and delivered by the Centre for Older Workers (CROW) for the Officers’ Association (OA), the report Understanding Service Leavers aged 50+ lays bare the results of intensive interviews and workshops.

This project investigates the experiences and attitudes of veterans aged 50+ as they transition from military to civilian employment, exploring the challenges faced across all ranks.

The report calls for a consolidated approach between the armed forces, the MOD, employers and charitable stakeholders in developing a programme to enable older workers to find the right arrangements for their final years of work. It calls for an extension of diversity and inclusion policies and practices to support service leavers.

Chief executive of the Officers’ Association, Lee Holloway said: “One age group consistently stands out as experiencing increased difficulties in moving from military to civilian employment – those aged 50 years and over. While there is a growing body of evidence testifying to the barriers facing all veterans seeking employment, none has examined the hurdles faced by this age group.

“More needs to be done to align the needs of older veterans available and wanting to work for longer with the quality and diversity of the work on offer. This report adds to the recent momentum in wider society of supporting and highlighting the special skills and experiences of our country’s veterans, now we must support them as they have supported us.”

Ray Lock, chief executive, of Forces in Mind Trust said: “This research adds to a strong body of evidence which shows that many employers are not capitalising on the experience and skills of service leavers. This report shows that businesses are missing out on the valuable skills gained from a long and successful career in the military, often due to employers’ misguided perceptions of military and age.

“While service leavers need to take the time to prepare themselves for the civilian job market, more needs to be done to help them to do this. Not just because it is the right thing to do but because it makes good business sense. “