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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Veterans’ River City wish comes true

This news post is almost 10 years old

Veterans' charity urges people to hold a Purple Day to ensure more Erskine residents get their wish fulfilled

They were asked to come up with a wish, and while some veteran residents of Erskine asked for a trip to Largs for an ice-cream, a fish supper or the sound of Glen Miller, Harry Butterworth and Joe Martin opted for a day out to Shieldinch.

Harry, who worked as a BBC engineer for 45 years, was delighted to get back onto a television set as the two toured the Oyster Cafe and Tall Ship pub on the set of River City. Actor Scott Vickers, who plays DC Will Cooper in the BBC drama, introduced Harry and Joe to the delights of Shieldinch.

“I really enjoyed the experience looking around the set and it was great to see inside the Oyster Café and Tall Ship pub,” said Harry. “It isn’t something I ever thought I would do so it was a day to remember.”

The charity, which has been supporting military veterans in Scotland for more than 100 years, is urging Scots to hold "Purple Days" during Erskine Veterans’ Wishes Week between 1 and 8 June to raise money for to grant wishes to other veterans.

“You too can help grant a veteran’s wish by supporting Erskine during Veterans’ Wishes Week,” said Susan Bradley, community fundraising manager. “No matter how large or small your fundraising activity, every penny will make a huge difference to the lives of our veterans and their spouses.”

"Erskine needs to raise over £170,000 each week to provide residential, nursing, respite and dementia care within our five care homes. Fulfilling veterans’ wishes is one of the ways we help to maximise our residents independence and bring fun and joy to their lives.”

Email [email protected] for fundraising pack for Erskine Veterans’ Wishes Week or call the charity on 0300 123 1203. You can also text Wish to 70660 to donate £5.