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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

World Mental Health Day ever more poignant after Covid-19 crisis

This news post is over 4 years old

A social enterprise has issued a rallying call for people to take one day at a time and to reach out for help in times of fragile mental health

A social enterprise has urged Scots to reach out for help with their mental health.

World Mental Health Day takes place tomorrow (10 October) and aims to raise the issues around good mental health and wellbeing. After a year in which Covid-19 took hold leading to a national lockdown and continued social distancing measures, the ongoing impact on the mental health of the nation is complex and severe.

The Mind’s Well, a social enterprise, is today issuing a rallying call to people to take one day at a time and to reach out for help in times of fragile mental health. As well as providing community-led approaches to mental health for all including a 10-week digital Wellbeing Club starting 3 November, the social enterprise also provides peer-led support services, events and training for individual and professionals.

Maria Naranjo, founder and chief executive of The Mind’s Well, said: “The challenges of 2020 are bringing a lot of mental health issues to the surface and will inevitably continue to do so as the effects of Covid-19 deepen. World Mental Health Day is the perfect time to acknowledge the reality that our mental health is as important as our physical health and that there is no longer a stigma in seeking help and support.

“I founded The Mind’s Well and our Recovery College to promote a community-based approach to mental health. As a professional working in the mental health sector for many years, I was aware of the limitations of the current medical system and the gaps in community support in terms of prevention and intervention. When I became mentally unwell myself, I became aware of just how challenging it was navigating the right support for me and I was determined to make change happen.

“Our dream at The Mind’s Well is to build capacity in our communities by recruiting peer workers trained in mental health and wellbeing. Traditional Mental Health Services are struggling with long waiting lists, so employing peer workers across communities will ensure that nobody struggles on their own in the future.”

An exciting new resource named iThrive Edinburgh will launch on Monday 12 October. Supported by The Mind’s Well RC, IThrive Edinburgh is an online space that contains information about mental health and wellbeing services, events, news and self-help materials. To celebrate the launch a Zoom call will take place with speakers from Thrive Edinburgh, Health in Mind and The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland and more.

If you do just one thing on #WorldMentalHealthDay – be kind to yourself and reach out for help. The Mind’s Well provides a community-based approach to mental health for all. For latest information on peer led support services, events and training for individuals and professionals alike visit or call 07904885305 for more information.