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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Young Scot chief is named UK’s top third sector director

This news post is over 8 years old

Louise Macdonald has been named Not for Profit/Third Sector Director of the Year by the UK Institute of Directors

Young Scot chief executive Louise Macdonald has been named the UK’s top third sector director of the year at the Institute of Directors (IoD) awards.

Macdonald, who was named Female Director of the Year at the Scottish Director of the Year Awards in March, took home the title of UK Not for Profit/Third Sector Director of the Year at the IoD Director of the Year Awards held in London’s Lancaster Hotel on Friday.

Speaking shortly afterwards Macdonald said it was a “genuine surprise and huge honour”.

To be recognised by the IoD UK is a genuine surprise and huge honour

“The not for profit and third sector is full of so many committed and passionate leaders who inspire me every day,” she said.

“To be recognised by the IoD UK is a genuine surprise and huge honour.

“This award is also for the team at Young Scot, who blow me away with their care and compassion for young people every day, and for the amazing young people that we work with across Scotland, who keep me on my toes and inspire me with their deep desire to make Scotland a fantastic place for everyone.”

Young Scot is the national youth information and citizenship charity for Scotland, with a membership of more than 680,000 young people – equivalent to two-thirds of population aged 11-26 – helping them make informed decisions and choices as they transition into adulthood.

Macdonald has led the organisation since 2008 and picked up the award in recognition of a hugely impressive year in which its membership increased by around 25% to 620,000 and a new digital platform saw an increase in page views of over 200% to around 138,000 a month.

Louise Gulliver, acting director general of the IoD, said: “Congratulations to all of the winners for their contributions to business and their communities.

“Success is built on great leadership and it is important to reward those people have made outstanding contributions to their sector.

Of Macdonald’s award David Watt, executive director of the IoD in Scotland in Scotland, added: “This is a truly well-deserved award for one of Scotland’s brightest, most creative and energetic directors.

“Louise is an inspirational leader, and her excellent work will have a lasting impact on young people – some of whom may be future leaders themselves.”

Other Scottish leaders shortlisted were Magnus Houston, of Coast and Glen (Fishbox), Damien Yeates, chief executive of Skills Development Scotland, Jennifer Paice, chief executive of SafeDeposits Scotland and Sara Spiers, managing director of Spectrum Services Solutions Ltd who was highly commended in the category of Director of the Year – SME.