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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Young Scots write to show support for Irish marriage equality ahead of referendum

This news post is almost 10 years old

LGBT Youth Scotland tell Irish LGBT youth organisation they are hoping for a yes vote in Ireland’s marriage equality referendum

A group of Scottish young people have written to their Irish counterparts to show solidarity with them ahead of Ireland’s marriage equality referendum on Friday.

Members of LGBT Youth Scotland’s national council wrote to Irish LGBT youth organisation BeLonG To to say they backed their campaign for a yes vote and offered their support.

The letter explains how they developed the M.E.2 campaign in 2009 calling for equal marriage and were buoyed by support shown to them.

The letter continues: “With the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act being passed in Scotland in 2014, this was an overwhelming declaration of acceptance which we hope you in Ireland will gain too.

“We feel there’s a new sense of confidence within the LGBT community and greater acceptance within the wider social community in Scotland.

We feel there’s a new sense of confidence within the LGBT community and greater acceptance within the wider social community in Scotland

“Civil partnerships are a great first step towards equality, but now it should be about choice. It’s important that LGBT young people in Ireland should be able to choose to ask for someone’s hand in marriage if that’s what they feel is important to them. Different love and relationships should be celebrated at an equal level to ensure acceptance for everyone.

“We hope your friends, family and other citizens across Ireland come out in solidarity and support for you and vote Yes!”

Fergus McMillan, chief executive of LGBT Youth Scotland, said he was heartened to see the solidarity the members of his organisation demonstrated by sending the letter.

He added: “Young Scots understand the importance of marriage equality in ensuring LGBT people are embraced as full members of their communities, with equal rights, and access to the same opportunities as other young people.

“LGBT Youth Scotland wishes BeLong To and the people of Ireland every success in securing a yes vote on Friday.”

David Carroll, executive director of Belong To, said: “Young people have played a vital role in working towards marriage equality. Polling has consistently shown support for same sex marriage to be at over 90% among those under 30.

“We know that young people are also incredibly persuasive when it comes to talking to older relatives about voting for equality and we ask that they continue to have conversations with older relatives, friends and neighbours as the campaign draws to a close.”