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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Youngsters sleep out for Social Bite

This news post is over 6 years old

Thousands of children braved the cold to show their support for ending homelessness

Youngsters slipped into their sleeping bags to help fight homelessness.

Around 5,000 children across Scotland slept out this weekend in support of homeless charity Social Bite.

The Wee Sleep Out, a national awareness-raising fundraising campaign, has been backed by children aged eight to 16 who are passionate about ending homelessness in Scotland as part of the Year of Young People 2018.

From Stornoway to the Scottish Borders, Arran to Ayrshire, Wee Sleep Outs took place up and down the country over Friday 9 and Saturday 10 November, with schools, clubs, families at home and youth groups all backing the campaign.

With hundreds of events taking place in back gardens and community halls, sports centres and bedroom floors, each Wee Sleep Out put young people in the driving seat, giving them the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents by leading on the development and delivery of their own sleep outs.

Among those taking part were the Burnbrae Boys; a group of five school friends from Bonnyrigg. The P5 pupils Cosmo MacDougall, Cole Hood, Lachlan Johnson and Ollie Willis and Robert Hodge (all aged nine) spent the night together in Robert’s back garden, enduring a night in the cold to raise money for the charity.

Cosmo said: “We’re proud that we all managed to sleep outside for the whole night and raise money for Social Bite. It was really windy, noisy and wet but my Dad put tarpaulin up as a shelter so at least we didn’t get completely soaked.

“It wasn’t too cold with all of us huddled together but it was very uncomfortable. I was glad when we woke up and went inside. I can’t believe people have to live like this. It made us all think about how lucky we are.

“I was able to sleep all day the next day in my cosy bed and it’s so sad that not everyone has a home they feel safe and secure and warm in, so we hope that by us doing this for just one night can help other people.”

Alice Thompson, co-founder of Social Bite, said: “For so many young people to give up their warm beds for the night is incredible, and I’m overwhelmed by how many children have backed our movement to end homelessness in Scotland during the Year of Young People 2018.

“I’d like to extend a thank you to every single person who took part and organised their own Wee Sleep Out this weekend. The money raised will make a huge difference to those who need it most.”

Earlier in the year, Social Bite partnered with Sumdog on a nationwide maths competition in a bid to encourage school children to get involved in the Wee Sleep Out. Social Bite co-founders Josh Littlejohn MBE and Alice Thompson will be presenting the prizes to the winners later in the year.

The money raised from the Wee Sleep Out will contribute to Social Bite’s Sleep in the Park total. Taking place on Saturday 8 December, the multi-city sleep out will take place in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen, with around 12,000 expected to take part.