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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Coming together to turn black clouds to blue skies

This opinion piece is 6 months old

Self-Harm Network Scotland has been providing support to thousands of people

Since the launch of Penumbra Mental Health’s Self-Harm Network Scotland two years ago, our team has provided support to thousands of people around the country.

Self-Harm Network Scotland provides self-harm support for people aged 12+ in Scotland and works together with the Scottish Government in delivering their self-harm strategy and action plan.

As well as offering support via our website, our team of peer practitioners provide ongoing one-to-one support sessions (delivered via video, phone calls and text).

All our peer practitioners have lived experience of self-harm, and they work with each individual to find their own way forward. They bring an understanding of what people who live with self-harm might be experiencing, and offer a safe, non-judgemental space where people can talk openly and explore how they are feeling.

Our recently published Impact Report contains key information about the service, covering the period April 2023 – March 2024. During this time, 87% of people who provided end of service feedback after receiving one-to-one support had stopped or reduced self-harming and found other ways to cope.

Here’s a quote from somebody who received one-to-one support (but has asked to remain anonymous): “You’ve brought some blue sky into my life again when all I saw at the beginning was black clouds. I will always remember how much of an impact you have made to my life.”

Self-Harm Network Scotland’s website, which launched in March 2023, was created with and by people who have lived experience of self-harm. They helped us to think about what good, compassionate support looks and feels like. The website has a range of recovery-focused support, tools, and information that anyone can access to enable people to support themselves and others. There are sections for people who self-harm, for people who support someone who self-harms, and for professionals working with someone who self-harms.

We also run a unique live webchat on our website, where people in need of more immediate support for their self-harm and distress can chat to one of our team. The webchat is available every evening, between 6pm – 10pm.

Since launching in October 2023, the webchat service has supported hundreds of people with their self-harm. In total, 75% of those who left feedback after using the webchat described the conversation they had as ‘very helpful’ (Impact Report, 23-24).

We are passionate about raising awareness and reducing stigma around self-harm. That’s why our training team deliver free self-harm awareness training to anyone that’s interested in learning more about self-harm. Public awareness and professionals self-harm training sessions are available. Click here to find out more about self-harm awareness training.

Our impact report shows that 98% of the 269 professionals who gave feedback agreed that they had a better understanding of self-harm as a coping strategy thanks to our self-harm awareness training.

If you, or anyone you know, are looking for support with your self-harm, please visit our website.

Tina Koenig is communications lead for Self-Harm Network Scotland. 

Self-Harm Network Scotland is part of Penumbra Mental Health, a pioneering charity supporting people on their journey to better mental health. The power of people’s lived experience enables us to provide pioneering services that transform lives.