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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Give £30 a week back to cancer patients

This opinion piece is over 7 years old

Janice Preston explains why Macmillan is making the voices of cancer patients heard to fight for their right to have £30 a week in benefits reinstated

Macmillan Cancer support has been fighting a vigorous campaign across the UK against cuts to Employment Support Allowance (ESA) Work Related Activity Group (WRAG). We argued strongly that no-one is helped back into work by being made poorer and having to worry about money as well as their health.

Sadly, the proposal was finally passed at Westminster despite our campaigns team helping to win two rebellions in the Lords and Commons. As a result, from April this year thousands of cancer patients, and those with other illnesses, have become £120 a month worse off.

We want this benefit to be reinstated for all cancer patients across the UK and we continue to campaign for this at Westminster.

Janice Preston
Janice Preston

Right now we have an opportunity in Scotland to use our new welfare powers to mitigate this cut and make sure no one has their recovery from cancer hampered by financial struggles.

Last week we gave evidence to the Holyrood Social Security Committee that is looking at how the new welfare system should be set up in Scotland. As a charity, giving evidence to a committee is a nerve-wracking experience, but we were determined to make the voices of cancer patients heard.

We urged them to make Scotland the first place in the UK to reinstate this vital benefit for people with cancer.

We estimate 280 cancer patients in Scotland are affected. Giving them back the £30 a week would cost the Scottish Government just over £400,000 a year, just 0.5% of the recently announced government underspend.

This payment is vital to help cover the additional costs cancer often brings, including extra heating bills, special diets and travel costs to hospital.

Without it we risk people who should be focused on their health, struggling with money worries and making decisions based on financial desperation rather than what’s going to help them recover.

Giving people with cancer enough money to cover the cost of essentials isn’t about keeping them on benefits forever.

While some people may never be well enough to return to work, we know many people want to work after cancer, and with the right support, can do so.

That’s why we’re also calling on the new social security system to make sure everyone with cancer is given expert support to get back to work when they feel ready.

Helping people recover as fully as possible after a cancer diagnosis also means making sure people are directed to the right support as soon as possible after diagnosis.

Right now, we know too many people are missing out on much-needed financial help, sometimes because they just don’t know it’s available. That’s why it essential every cancer patient in Scotland is guaranteed an assessment of their financial needs.

This new social security system is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make this happen. To make Scotland the first place in the UK where cancer patients get the financial help they desperately need.

Janice Preston is head of Macmillan Cancer Support in Scotland