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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Job centre closures will hurt the poor - let’s help the DWP to see sense

This opinion piece is over 8 years old

Martin Johnstone says DWP proposals to close job centres make no sense and will be harmful - read how he proposes to #help the DWP

The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) desperately need our help. #helptheDWP.

Its proposal this week to close up to half of Glasgow’s Job Centres leaves me almost speechless, and that doesn’t happen often, especially when I realised that the proposed closures are in some of our already most economically disadvantaged communities.

How much longer do some of the poorest in our society need to pay for the failings of others?

Perhaps a good place for the DWP to start would be to sit down and really listen to those who have seen what they have to live on reduce year on year as basic living costs continue to rise. The tentacles of austerity continue to reach into the already empty pockets of the poor.

Martin Johnstone

Sometimes, just sometimes, people do listen and common sense does prevail

Martin Johnstone

Erik Cramb, who many years ago was a Church of Scotland minister in the east end of Glasgow, used to tell the story of a new health centre that was planned for the area. There was a public meeting, the plans were revealed by a smartly dressed town planner who, having spoken at the gathered audience, asked if there were any questions.

An elderly lady put up her hand and said that she had two questions. The first was: ‘Did the town planner have a car?’ The second was whether he had corns. The town planner looked confused. These were not the questions that he was expecting. ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘he had a car.’ ‘No,’ he stated, ‘he did not have corns.’

‘I though not,’ said the lady. ‘Only some daft eejit (those may not have been her precise words!) who has a car and doesn’t have corns would ever think that it was a good idea to build a new health centre there!’

Borrowing unashamedly from the wisdom of that Glasgow woman, I would say to the secretary of state for work and pensions: ‘only an idiot would think that it is a good idea to close job centres in communities where transport is so difficult and where ill health is often a primary reason why people struggle to find work. If you have to make savings, then think again.’

I think that we should offer to help the secretary of state out and that we should also enlist the help and support of those who work in our job centres as well as other organisations that genuinely support people who are looking for work. Most importantly we should learn from those who have to sign on. They are the people who now face the prospect of that becoming a more difficult and complicated journey.

The DWP has said that it is embarking on a period of consultation about the proposed closures.

Let’s engage in that consultation with all the wisdom, energy and creativity that we can muster. And let’s show them that there are so many more sensible ways of addressing their problems that they face. We can #helptheDWP.

By the way, as far as I know the health centre was never built in its proposed location. So sometimes, just sometimes, people do listen and common sense does prevail. We can always hope.

Martin Johnstone is secretary of the Church of Scotland’s Church & Society Council and is involved in a range of anti-poverty projects across Scotland.



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over 8 years ago
Seriously? You only need to Google the issues that people have with Job Centres and the image over the years that's been created by the lack of support, care and poor attitudes. Do Sanctions not ring a bell?The support that's required is in local communities, delivered by charities, social enterprises and work support services. Job Centres are now NOT the place that people identify as being or having a positive experience.Let's do something different that's actually going to make a real empathetic and supportive change for the better.
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Muriel Pearson
over 8 years ago
I agree with you Katy about local solutions, but attendance at Job Centres is mandatory, and while that remains the case then Martin is right: reduction in the number of Job Centres will really challenge those who struggle to get to them and increases the possibility of sanctions. I think we need to do something different AND in the meantime make sure Job Centres remain accessible.
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over 8 years ago
Anyone who's travelled by public transport from Castlemilk to Newlands will tell you that it's nothing like the route that a crow would fly and requires 2 buses.
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