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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

New funding options in Perth and Kinross and beyond...

This opinion piece is over 2 years old

Andy Duncan on a grant-giver's new strategy

The Gannochy Trust has recently published its new five-year Grant Strategy for the period 2022 to 2027. 

The new strategy was developed over several months with input from external consultants and the third sector including a series of #BeConnected conversations with organisations in Perth and Kinross in 2021. It has been designed to support the delivery of the trust’s strategic aims over the next five years, driven by the ambitions and wishes of our founder Arthur Kinmond Bell.

Within the context of unprecedented external challenges, the new strategy will guide the trust’s grant making priorities to help meet these challenges, while delivering on our core mission to improve lives and support communities.  

The trust will continue to distribute funding throughout Scotland, with a particular focus on Perth and Kinross in recognition of AK Bell’s wish to invest in his native town and the surrounding area. Our ‘Rest of Scotland’ funding will continue to develop and inspire young people aged between 11 and 21, supporting projects that improve employment opportunities, provide non-formal learning through voluntary activity in the community, as well as leadership and mentoring. 

Our Grants Plus programme remains a key element of the new strategy, as we continue to build resilience and sustainability in the sector by helping charities innovate, build capacity, and develop strong governance structures. 

We are also developing a new Youth Panel funding stream which will distribute a designated fund within Perth and Kinross. The allocation of these funds will be decided by a Youth Panel with the aims and outcomes for the funding being co-produced with the panel. It is anticipated that this funding will be available from early 2023. 

We have also sought to streamline the application process, with a simplified set of new application and reporting forms which can be found in the 'Applying for a grant’ section of our website. Applying for a grant – The Gannochy Trust. These can be used to apply for the next funding round, which is now open for applications.

Andy Duncan is chief executive of the Gannochy Trust.