Martin Whitfield
Member of the Scottish Parliament for South Scotland Region
I have launched a consultation on a proposal for a Member’s Bill at the Scottish Parliament which would seek to ensure that every young person in Scotland, regardless of their background or location, has access to high-quality youth work services.
This consultation is the first step in seeking to progress the proposal in parliament and it is important that all organisations and individuals that are involved in youth work services or have an interest in the issue respond to the consultation to help shape the legislation going forward.
An on-line copy of the consultation, which includes further details about the proposed Bill as well as various consultative questions on it, is available on the Scottish Parliament’s website at www.parliament.scot under Bills and Laws/Proposals for Bills.
Further details on how to respond to the consultation are set out below, but if you have any questions about the Bill proposal, would like to discuss it with me, or would like to invite me to speak to your organisation about it, please contact me at Martin.Whitfield.msp@parliament.scot.
Kind regards,
Martin Whitfield MSP
South Scotland Region
Responding to the consultation
Responses should, if possible, be prepared electronically (preferably in MS Word). If you wish to receive this document in word as opposed to converting the PDF on the parliament’s website, please email me at Martin.Whitfield.msp@parliament.scot.
Hard copies of the consultation paper can be requested by contacting me at the above email address or by writing to: Martin Whitfield MSP, Room M1.07, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH991SP
Responses completed in hard copy should either be scanned and sent as an attachment to the above e-mail address or sent by post to the above parliamentary address.
When submitting a response, please include written confirmation that you have read and understood the Privacy Notice which is available on my website www.martinwhitfieldmsp.com at the bottom of the page.
Enquiries about obtaining the consultation document in any language other than English or in alternative formats should also be sent to me.
All consultation responses should be received no later than Friday 21st February 2025.
The costs of this publication have been met out of parliamentary resources. The SPCB is not responsible for the content of other internet sites.