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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Seescape is making waves for those with sight impairment

This opinion piece is about 6 years old

Carl Hodson (pictured) on why the Fife Society for the Blind has changed its name after 150 years

What’s in a name? For some organisations, it can make people immediately aware of what you do. For other, more-established outlets, the longevity can give a sense of authority, integrity and trust.

What a charity is called is important.

With many relying on legacies, donations and funding to help with operating costs where competition is fierce, the right name and a change in business direction can help a charitable organisation stand out from the crowd and be at the forefront of people’s minds.

At seescape, we decided after 150 years operating as Fife Society for the Blind to change our name.

We had come a long way since we were established and as we move forward in the 21st century, the time was right for us to change our name.

As an organisation we are moving forward, endeavouring to increase awareness of the great work we do

As an organisation that has sight impairment at its core and to empower those living with visual loss or reduction, our goal is to increase our influence as a leading voice for our clients, to be at the forefront of research, advice and access to assistive technology for our clients, to increase our outreach to those who require our services and continue to work hard towards a sustainable, well governed and high quality charitable organisation.

We want to expand opportunities for those with visual impairment as we passionately believe in the importance of leading an independent life and playing an active role within the local community.

That’s why technology is so instrumental.

Through Fife Council’s Health and Social Care Partnership Sensory Impairment Group, we have created Access Technology Roadshows, which made their way around several main towns in Fife last year.

These free to attend sessions meant we were able to team up with various technology providers to demonstrate assistive technology solutions, such as stand-alone desktop and video magnifiers, braille note takers and stand-alone braille displays with specialist devices for scanning and reading text, recognising colours and faces and products.

The partnership has also enabled seescape to reach out to a wider audience of service users in Fife who may not have been aware of the technological benefits; this includes a multi-sensory loss approach.

As someone who is blind, Stuart Beveridge is an inspiration and an award-winner. He said: “The way technology can enrich lives is so powerful and we witness this on a daily basis with our Access Technology Trainer.”

He teaches those from the age of eight to 80 how technology can help them lead an independent life.

One of service users is a true inspiration. Having lost his sight due to a serious illness when he was a young child, from working with Stuart he has been able to continue attending his local primary and enjoying the same close friendships by keeping in touch through various social media channels.

As an organisation we are moving forward, endeavouring to increase awareness of the great work we do and to establish ourselves as a champion for the sight-impaired, locally as well as nationally.

Our new name captures our new vision perfectly.

Carl Hodson is chief executive of seescape.