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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

There’s loads of value in Investing in Young People

This opinion piece is over 9 years old

Sophie Dawes explains why Scottish voluntary organisations may want to consider looking at Investors in Young People accreditation

In Scotland today there are 21,000 young people who wake up every morning not in work and not in education. At Investors in People (IIP) Scotland we believe that Scottish employers play a fundamental part in changing this story.

We recognise that with their new skills, talents and mind-sets that young people play a key role in energising organisations.

Last year we launched the Investors in Young People (IIYP) accreditation to recognise and celebrate those organisations in Scotland that make young people their business. Over the last year we’ve worked with over 200 organisations across the country and celebrated with more than 180 of them who have achieved the IIYP accreditation.

Sophie Dawes

At Investors in Young People we’re aware of the challenges faced by many organisations in the third sector, from funding cuts through to long term planning, recruitment and development of existing employees

Sophie Dawes

At the heart of IIYP are the values, passion and vision of the organisations that we work with. We support and guide each organisation to harness the talents of the young people who contribute to that shared vision that drives organisations forward.

The only award of its kind in Scotland, the IIYP accreditation provides external recognition of the value, impact and quality Scottish organisations work in youth employment. It recognises those employers that are living their values by actively recruiting young people into their organisations and identifying themselves as an employer of choice for young people.

The benefits of bringing young people into an organisation are numerous. Whether your they are volunteers, interns, on work experience or employed full time, young people bring an energy and vibrancy that breathes life into any organisation.

Scottish employers are perfectly placed to provide young people with a positive experience of the world of work, and show them the exciting career opportunities available to them.

Last October, Character Scotland became the first third-sector organisation in Scotland to be awarded with the IIYP accreditation.

Its executive officer Gary Walsh said: “We hope that other organisations recognise the huge amount young people everywhere have to offer”

With a limited budget for training and development, many organisations have concerns about the work readiness of young people entering employment.

According to Gary, there’s nothing to fear: “Our experience is that a lot of young people can be productive immediately and add value. Graduates come to us with a clear idea of what they want to do. They can hit the ground running.”

At Investors in Young People we’re aware of the challenges faced by many organisations in the third sector, from funding cuts through to long term planning, recruitment and development of existing employees. That’s why we’re here to help.

Investors in Young People can help Scottish organisations formalise many of the internal procedures that they currently have around recruitment, selection and development. We can then build on what they currently have by offering advice and guidance on the areas that matter to them, while also supporting and building on what they currently have to help then put in place long term strategies for the future organisation.

Funding from the Scottish Government means that there is currently up to 75% funding available for organisations working towards IIYP accreditation and for those seeking advice and support.

We know that young people are the future for Scotland’s employers, and that their energy can drive you forward.

Visit the Investors in Young People website or get in touch on 0131 625 0155.

Sophie Dawes is a project development officer at Investors in People