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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

After the 2019 general election results, should Scotland have another independence referendum?

This poll is about 5 years old

Wherever you stand on the big issues of the day – such as Brexit and independence – there can be little doubt that Scotland’s politics is diverging from those of the rest of the UK.

This has been seen over a range of markers – from the outcome of the EU referendum to last week’s general election.

Then, Scots overwhelmingly backed the SNP by giving the party 48 out of 59 parliamentary seats, whereas down south the Tories broke through into former Labour heartlands and secured a commanding majority.

The election has led to renewed calls for a second independence referendum.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says that the election result shows there is a mandate for one.

That is why we’re asking: after the 2019 general election results, should Scotland have another independence referendum?

Vote now and join in the debate by leaving a comment below.

After the 2019 general election results, should Scotland have another independence referendum?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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Ewan Dale
about 5 years ago
The cost of managing change outweighs the potential benefits of a separation from a 'Brexit-ed' UK, and a negotiated re-entry to Europe, and the chimera of efficient, speedy management of such change is not likely to occur.
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about 5 years ago
Please, please, please, just run the country. How is it better to leave a political, economic and monetary union where Scotland has 8% of the population and 8% of the seats in the national Parliament, to join a political, economic and monetary union where Scotland has 1% of the population and 0.8% of seats in the European Parliament? What influence would we have then? Just run the country like you were elected to do and stop creating divisions within this magnificent country.
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Billy Kinloch
about 5 years ago
The SNP ran their election on a blatant anti Brexit/ stop Boris campaign. There was no mention of their usual Independence nonsense. Even that big yellow bus had Stop Brexit emblazoned in large letters all over it. If Sturgeon had any confidence in having the majority of the Scottish Electorate on her side, she would hold an informal Scotland wide Referendum next year, which would either support her independence policies, or not. I suspect her hesitation, is because that for all her bombast, the numbers aren’t there, and are never going to be there.
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about 5 years ago
We had a vote and we voted to remain as part of the United kingdom
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about 5 years ago
It is now abundantly clear that referenda can easily rob the nation of its peace, happiness and stability and are a Pandora's Box. Only a government who hated its citizens and country would offer referenda except on the most mundane of things after the experience of the last five years.
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Robert McBride
about 5 years ago
No and never
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Jean neil
about 5 years ago
More people voted for a Union party than SNP in the general election
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Janice Jones
about 5 years ago
Wish Snp would respect the wishes of the last vote,,,, she certainly doesn’t speak for me
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brigitte strachan
about 5 years ago
We have voted, why again now? Its not been a life time yet!
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about 5 years ago
Once in a generation!
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Carol Cunningham
about 5 years ago
why are you conducting a poll on independence? Surely this is outwith the scope of a voluntary organisation newsletter? Haven’t you anything better to do with the funding you are receiving?
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Doug Chase
about 5 years ago
Less than 35% of voting population supported the Nationalists..........Scotland has said NO for the second time
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about 5 years ago
We had a vote in 2014 and we voted to remain
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Douglas Darroch
about 5 years ago
And it's a resounding naw.
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Angela Binnie
about 5 years ago
They can't control the powers they have already, God knows what they would do with total control. They would destroy the country completely.
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Jeanette G Douglass
about 5 years ago
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Jeanette G Douglass
about 5 years ago
We have had THE ONCE IN A LIFETIME VOTE we don't need another one
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Robert muirhead
about 5 years ago
Had enough now no more division let's move on as the United kingdom.
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Liz McDowall
about 5 years ago
We already voted no. Once in a lifetime vote.
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jim shields
about 5 years ago
i think the % of this poll is an answer to the separatists 88.5% say no
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Ann Maxwell
about 5 years ago
No and never.
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Davy mcainsh
about 5 years ago
It doesnt matter how.many polls you keep answering it's never going to change. We said no.
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about 5 years ago
Why anyone would want to stay in the Euro and leave the UK where there would be much less say in anything that goes on. The irony of a question on an independence vote is staggering.Some of the people who voted SNP in the general election, would vote no to independence If the it is farcical. If the pound is not guaranteed, people really want to be careful what they are wishing for. If your hone is worth £120,000 for example now, if there was independence it might be worth 80,000 Euros, I hope the people who think it's a good idea are happy with such an outcome.
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about 5 years ago
definitely not
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Lyn smith
about 5 years ago
We already said NO so let's just move on
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about 5 years ago
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about 5 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon does not speak for ME or anyone I know she has done no more than become a master media manipulator rapidly bringing our NHS, council services, education to a crippling mess the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon are a poisonous mob of self serving sociopaths that dont see the farcical irony of being Progressive socialists" withiun the capitalist system.
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Pamela Gaull
about 5 years ago
The 2014 referendum was NO by 10 points. The refusal by the SNP to,accept this democratic result is causing division within Scotland itself, between Scotland and the rest of the UK and losing Scotland credibility.
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Jim Devenny
about 5 years ago
We had a vote we said NO end of conversation ????????????????????????????????????
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Louise macintyre
about 5 years ago
No.Respect the 2014 result.
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Louise macintyre
about 5 years ago
No respect the 2014 result.
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about 5 years ago
We had a vote in 2014 and the SNP lost. We do not need another vote on divisive independence and furthermore, Brexit is happening whether the SNP like it or not (I presume many do want it but pretend not too), and the UK will need to stick together in order to achieve the best possible outcome from any future trade talks with EU or anywhere else. This bitter infighting is just going to make us look weak and pathetic . The SNP need to stop with the bitter grievance politics and get on with fixing the NHS. They need to stop wasting tax payers money on vanity projects and start acting like adults. Scotland aka we are still part of the UK no matter what the SNP say or do so please get on with the day job and stop with this independence obsession for at least 25 years.
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Angela Hughes
about 5 years ago
Once in a generation was the promise!! End of!!
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Robert Jacobs
about 5 years ago
Yes, England has moved away politically and culturally to a far right government that cares nothing for those who are not in the top 1% of elites.Scotland has the ability to be a strong nation both financially and socially. Instead of sending 92% of it's economic income to westminster for the tories to give to the 1% elites as tax cuts, a Scottish Government (SNP, Labour, Greens or other) would have the means to eradicate the poverty the people of Scotland are suffering and build a country that puts the people living here first no matter where they where born.
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C.S Roberts.
about 5 years ago
The tide has turned. Democracy is plastic but every plastic has its limit. The rift is coming. A rift that will define Scotland for the next 300 years. Scotland will embrace the future and become the outward looking European nation that will help sculpt the world into a new age.
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Ryan Drew
about 5 years ago
Any Scotsman who says no is not a real Scotsman. England needs to learn to support herself and stand on her own two feet. Scotland can't subsidise her forever.
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steven adam sutherland
about 5 years ago
independence is the only way to get out of this mess scotland would do a lot better without england scotland never voted for the tories and never will scotland is treated like trash .the NHS will be sold off to the usa wake up and see what's happening vote for independence
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Al Eddie
about 5 years ago
Don't be stupid - of course it should..!
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Linda Temple
about 5 years ago
Looks like this poll has been highjacked by the unionist brigade.... With 47 SNP MPs returned to parliament it is clear there is a complete discontent with Westminster rule in Scotland. Why should we continually suffer a government we haven't voted for? Independence would be an upheaval, but worth it so that Scotland's resources would be spent on Scotland and our country could make decisions on what is best for Scotland. At present we are essentially in thrall to England. It certainly isn't a union of equals as it is supposed to be. If we can have 3 general elections which basically just reaffirms Englands dominance over Scotland in 5 years, the Scottish pand. eople are entitled to another independence referendum.
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about 5 years ago
Let Scotland leave the UK this time without any so called vow. Once and for all. The so called union doesnt work for Scotland anymore. Let England stand on its own two feet for once. Dont let westminister rig this referendum this time.
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about 5 years ago
Boris is going to go down in history as the man who oversaw the end of the UK. The ironic thing is that many people are trying to blame Scotland for "trying to break up the union", including most of the WM parliament, when it is the actions of WM over an extended period of time that have made this situation into what it is. To be fair, it's about time WM started funding it's own aspirations instead of fleecing the other parts of the uk because of chronic fiscal ineptitude.
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Free Scotland
about 5 years ago
The union is dead ,the traitors of Scotland won't win this time .time to cut the english leeches off ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Isobel Mccahill
about 5 years ago
No it was once in a lifetime vote
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Brian Alba
about 5 years ago
Of course Scotland should have another IndyRef, the people were lied to by Bitter Together, and recent polls, Ashcroft etc, are putting support for the referendum around or over 50%.
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about 5 years ago
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about 5 years ago
I personally haven't seen a single piece of evidence that suggests that Scotland is better off in the UK, none. To even suggest that we should wait another 25 years before another referendum is nonsensical, the Union that makes the United Kingdom should be that all nations are equal. It's not, and never has been. Scotland has been ignored time and time again. Take back control!
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Stephen Nevans
about 5 years ago
Yes. Even if the answer is no, it should be for Scotland decide.
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P Keith
about 5 years ago
Understand everyone is entitled to their opinion I’ll share mine. Independence is the only way to thrive this “One Nation” is on par with “better together” all soundbites that don’t wash anymore. People of Scotland voted no in 2014 because they said we couldn’t stay in EU then 2016 voted strongly to Remain, now in 2019 Scotland choose SNP over the Tories. We can’t stand by whilst more of our wealth in drained to WM whilst children are in poverty in the 21st century that is disgraceful.
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about 5 years ago
Yes, Scotland only should decide
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P Ullman-Campbell
about 5 years ago
Scotland has 5,425,000 citizens and 34% of entire UK natural wealth. rUK has 55,000,000 citizens and 66% of entire natural wealth. On a population basis, Scotland has 20 times more per citizen.In rUK Scotland's choice in government will always be overruled by England's choice. In the EU the government Scotland votes for will be the government that leads Scotland. In the EU Scotland may have a smaller percentage than the other independent European countries but it will have n equal amount of influence. Unlike Scotland in the UK.
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about 5 years ago
of course it should have a referendum, this is supposed to be a union not a dictatorship - in a lousy marriage there is a way out so Scotland should have a way out
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Scotland is a Country in the UK and if we want to
about 5 years ago
Scottish and Proud Freedom
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about 5 years ago
So all these Unionists think it's better we stay in this screwed up Union. So then why do they are happy to accept all the benefits the SNP government have brought it in. Hypocrites, the lot of them! The SNP only want to have a fare Scotland where people are happy to live and work. If these Unionist think this Union is good for Scotland they are blind as well as stupid. BoJo has no interest in Scotland except for her resources, which go toward to pull the UK government of the financial shit the UK is in. Unionists are scared!
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David Wands
about 5 years ago
Who decides if England should be allowed to have a referendum ?
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Jean Slessor
about 5 years ago
Yes and as soon as possible!
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about 5 years ago
It has become increasingly evident since the last independence referendum that the promises made to the people of Scotland were nothing but lies. Our voice is ignored by Westminster and more and more Scots are seeing through the blatant propaganda of the right wing main stream media. Seriously bad times are coming for all but the rich under Tory rule - they have already begun to strip the rights and freedoms from all of us - that has been their game plan all along. The only way for us to escape the destruction of our society is to gain our independence and gain it soon. Once free from the grasp of the greedy Tories we can choose a better fairer Scotland that we can all thrive in.
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G Mac
about 5 years ago
Less of the “ once in a lifetime” was a statement by one man not a binding promise. Things change, yes it might have been no in 2014 but if we all just bowed our heads and never fought for what we thought was right we would never get just because it suits your point of view doesn’t mean it suits others.
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Shona MacLeod
about 5 years ago
The Good Friday Agreement states Northern Ireland can have a referendum every 7 years. Same should be allowed for Scotland. Anything less is undemocratic and quite simply racist.
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The Seer
about 5 years ago
General election result just cements case for holding another indy referendum. Scottish Tories ran campaign based on vote for us or you'll get another referendum - result 81% of Scottish seats went to SNP so case for holding one just got another mandate this time from Tory's. Prospect of remaining within a brexitised fracked UK with Boris at the controls just makes indyref2 more vital & it's clear the 2014 prospect for remaining in UK was a dirty trick!
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about 5 years ago
If you believe in the right of self determination and then refuse the people of Scotland the opportunity to exercise that right, the union is already over.
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about 5 years ago
We need a huge political change in the uk. The current government in Westminster is not working. 14 million in poverty, nhs in crisis, war veterans living on the streets. We need a huge change and independence will bring that alknv with a fairer society for everyone
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Bill Glen
about 5 years ago
Without a Doubt and A.S.A.P
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about 5 years ago
Yes, why are Unionists so worried, former leaders of better together have also publicly changed theyre minds.
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joe callanan
about 5 years ago
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Pamela D’Arcy
about 5 years ago
Love how all the unionist have crawled out from under there stones now the Tory’s got voted in in ENGLAND. Some people really need to waken up if they truly believe the WM Tory’s and the Scottish ones for that matter give two hoots about you you are sadly mistaken. I feel nothing but pity for your ignorance. That said I am YES Absolutely all in for an independent Scotland. With or without Europe. Once we free ourselves of that farcical union perhaps people of Scotland will realise we can stand in our own . We are after all the UK cash cow . They only want our land and resources so please stop fooling yourselves they actually care about you.
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Alex stewart
about 5 years ago
Seems pretty fair they get a chance to stay or go based on the results
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A Cisse
about 5 years ago
YES YES YES. For an Independent Scotland
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Mark D
about 5 years ago
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Darren knight
about 5 years ago
We are off from the racist vile Westminster system
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about 5 years ago
I struggle to understand the folks saying we had a vote in 2014 so that's that , there's no reasoning with stupid.
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Craig Wright
about 5 years ago
100% yes so much has changed and to many promises broken
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Zoe Le May
about 5 years ago
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about 5 years ago
Your poll isn't looking too good for your "union " ????
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Big Zebedee
about 5 years ago
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Ross Greenshields
about 5 years ago
Scotland has suffered for 300 years, depopulation, environmental and social exploitation, and then the oil boom that funded Thatcher. No nation should be held in a Union against its explicitly expressed wishes, no matter if a few who are so self hating that they desire to hold everyone else back continue to hold to a delusional past, Scotland deserves and needs to ge free of Westminster, free of England. Let it sink into the mire of it's own choosing. Scotland Free or a Desert.
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Kathy Anderson-Scott
about 5 years ago
The SNP has a large membership. Fact. The unionists don't like it, but one of the arguments against independence in the run up to Indyref 2014 was that staying in the union was the only way to stay in the EU. Clearly this is now a significant lie. Over 60% of the voters in Scotland voted to remain in EU...since this has happened since the Indyref result, it is pertinent to take the more recent result as a gauge of what Scotland wants. The GE19 also indicates that SNP do very much have a mandate for independence. Slightly more than the Tories have for Brexit. The same metric must be applied to both. I do not dispute that the Tories have a mandate to deliver brexit, but expect the same consideration for the results and voice of the Scottish people. Democracy requires that people's voices get heard. The suggestion whether SNP votes were anti- Labour votes applies equally to the result for the Tories in England. So anyone with any sense would recognise that parity is simple....if Tories have a mandate for Brexit based on the GE19, then SNP have a mandate for independence.
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sean gorman
about 5 years ago
it was at 68% for yes 2014 but the mi5 rigged it !!!!!!!!
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Robert Andrew
about 5 years ago
Dear God, the cringe is strong on this comment thread. Union for unions sake, "once in a lifetime", "once in a generation" off the cuff remarks which were never part of the agreement
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about 5 years ago
yes there should be another vote, and a 3rd and a 4th and 5th until Scotland is free from London rules..
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about 5 years ago
Vote no first time. Would vote yes now 80% of what we where told was lies
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Shawn Knox
about 5 years ago
FREEDOM ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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about 5 years ago
It's there a blanket unionist comment campaign on the go? The votes certainly don't back them up! It MUST be for the people of Scotland to decide, whether you support independence or not. Anything else is subservience and nothing more. The disadvantaged need a government with the HONEST will to make things better, for Scotland!
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about 5 years ago
It is an insult to the intelligence of Scottish voters to push the lie that their right to self-determination was time-limited to one day in 2014. The decision was not final and it was not a “once in a generation’’ chance to become independent, despite the often-quoted view of Alex Salmond at the time. Democracy is a living force with its own twists and turns; it isn’t an immovable end-point from which there can be no return.
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about 5 years ago
The absolute numpties on here beggars belief. What kind of society WOULDN’T want self governance? No country to ever break away from English rule has wanted to come back. Coincidence? I think not.
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about 5 years ago
It is an insult to the intelligence of Scottish voters to push the lie that their right to self-determination was time-limited to one day in 2014. The decision was not final and it was not a “once in a generation’’ chance to become independent. Democracy is a living force with its own twists and turns; it isn’t an immovable end-point from which there can be no return.
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about 5 years ago
England only want our Oil Water Gas Power Taxes Fishing And anything else oh dumping ground for our nuclear weapons
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Shirley Brogan
about 5 years ago
Of course we should have a referendum if we want one, and we do. How many mandates do you want? And can we stop all this once in a generation stuff. There was no promise of that sort from anybody and repetition does not make it true. It was a speculative in conversation remark by one person to another. You must be really desperate to think any one in this nation would say it was anything else..
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about 5 years ago
What do you mean "should" the people have already spoken, by a landslide, how dare Westminster treat Scotland like slaves where they decide whether to give us our human rights or not
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Rhona R
about 5 years ago
Of COURSE we should have another vote - 6 years after the last vote, which was hijacked by project fear, and win by the unionists on a stack of lies and threats, SO much has changed. Scotland's eyes are wide open. Westminster is terrified of the answer we'll give this time. Bring it on!
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Colin Dawson
about 5 years ago
Westminster policies have resulted in around 60% of North Sea Oil jobs (circa 180,000) being in England, predominantly in London and the Southeast which is were most of the top management, design, development, regulatory, finance, legal, subcontracting and countless other jobs are. The spin-off from this in hospitality, travel, professional services, the finance sector and countless other sectors of the economy are huge. Scotland only has 38% of the jobs and these are predominantly in the offshore supply and support sectors. Westminster policies result in almost all of the ships, rigs, floating production vessels, other infrastructure as well as most of the renewables infrastructure installed in Scotland being imported from Norway, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, Poland and many other countries. Many hundreds of support ships operate in Scottish waters, each about the size of a frigate. Few if any were built here. Our oil and gas resources were privatised handing huge profits for decades to private investors. These are just a few of the ways that Westminster have used to suck trillions of pounds out of the Scottish economy over the past forty years and thereby impoverish us. It amounts to economic and social vandalism. Don't judge Scotlands finances by the current situation under Westminster's mismanagement. Scotland needs the powers of independence in order that we can maximise the employment opportunities from our natural resources and skilled population. Norway is able to make much more money and create far more jobs from its natural resources because it ties licensing of oil, gas and renewables projects to the creation of local jobs. Even Newfoundland has devolved authority over these issues. As part of the UK, Scotland does not and our wealth has therefore been systematically sucked out of our economy.
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james mcleod
about 5 years ago
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Frank Blades
about 5 years ago
But I can't understand why we let someone else rule our land, cap in hand
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Richard Lindsay
about 5 years ago
People's twisting of reality is staggering... Indy all the way!
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Linda Lochrie
about 5 years ago
It is Scotland’s right to have this vote.
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Stuart Paterson
about 5 years ago
I'll go against the obvious unionist grain on here and say we need to get away from the Westmonster machine. Anyone from all other parts of the UK are welcome. This is not about anti-English sentiment. We have the natural resources and talent to reach the Stars. No longer shall we play second fiddle to these London centric politicians who do not have Scotlands interests at heart. Saor Alba.
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Ally Hunter
about 5 years ago
All main parties fought on a indyref mandate and the results were clear. Give the people the choice they voted for. Anything less is unacceptable.
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Richard Akhtar-Dobson
about 5 years ago
The SNP stated that the Independence vote was a once in a generation vote (not lifetime as some comments have stated) *unless* there was a significant change in circumstances. I believe the Brexit situation is significant enough. I was a No vote in 2014 but the Union I voted to protect has been irreversibly damaged by the sheer idiocy of Brexit and I think it is perfectly reasonable to reassess the Independence argument.
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Scott Murray
about 5 years ago
just want to be a normal country of the world without another country dictating what we do....and have the choice to join any group of any associated countries that we want to as is the norm all over the planet.....
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about 5 years ago
Of course we should be able to have another referendum, - preferably without rUK interference this time. We do still live in what passes for a democracy don't we? The political Union isn't working for Scotland. It's time to end it.
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Paul Brown
about 5 years ago
A vote for anything OTHER than independence is stupid as Scot land is living in a dictatorship. It's a fact that who ever Scotland predominantly vote for will NEVER get. If they don't get independence they are as well as not bothering to ever vote and just let the English do it for them because that's how it's always been anyway by default.
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