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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Bah humbug! Has Christmas gone too far?

This poll is about 9 years old

It used to be about fun. But has the stress of Xmas taken over the season of goodwill?

Bah humbug! Has Christmas gone too far?

Emma Tapping from Isle of Man was met with criticism after sharing a picture of the mountain of presents she bought her family
Emma Tapping from Isle of Man was met with criticism after sharing a picture of the mountain of presents she bought her family

It falls but once a year and for many, especially those with children, even that’s too much.

With the build up to Christmas coming earlier every year and presents becoming ever more expensive, stress has become as endemic as the excitement.

Yet the season is characterised by waste: unopened presents, uneaten food and tons of discarded packaging to keep the country’s landfill sites busy for the forthcoming year.

All this for just one day.

Have you had enough: has Christmas gone too far?

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Tiiu-Imbi Miller
about 8 years ago
Excess should certainly be curbed, but there is excess all year round. So why pick on Christmas? What we make of Christmas depends on what is in our own hearts. Are our own lifestyles all year round so frugal and charitable that we can criticise others now? For I am sure that all that excess is by others, surely never by oneself. If one wants to give more to charity why not cut on something one spends on oneself in any or indeed every season, rather than what one gives to friends and family? Christmas is the one time to think of them. I just wish I had more money to spend on presents. I've worked very hard for charity with little time for anything else all year. And I just love the lights, etc. One needs a festival some time.
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