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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Do you support a four day working week - with no loss of pay?

This poll is almost 4 years old

There have been renewed calls for the implementation of a four day week – with no loss of pay.

Charities and the Scottish Trades Union Congress say the Scottish Government should introduce a national subsidy to help employers transition to the new way of working.

They say evidence shows that both morale and productivity improve with a four day working week, with no pay loss, and that the policy could be an important part of post-pandemic rebuilding.

What do you think? Do you support a four day working week with no loss of pay?

Vote now and join in the debate by leaving a comment.

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Janet McLaughlin
almost 4 years ago

I support the call for a 4 day week

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Robert Swinfen
almost 4 years ago

I think this will end up being unfair for the lowest-paid staff in many sectors. How will this affect the care sector for example? The same number of hours still need to be covered, and there is certainly no room for increasing costs further. Similarly in hospitality/tourism, and many customer service and retail jobs. It will be great for white-collar workers like myself and terrible for many others.

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almost 4 years ago

If your doing compressed hours for 4 days you can end up with a 10 hour day. OK if your young but if your in your 60s knackering. For front line care staff means your less available. Unfair to those who can't do this due to shift patterns.

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Mirabelle VIviana Scott
almost 4 years ago

I 100% support this call for 4 days week for same pay. I was not able to work more but can not make ends meet easily, yet my workplace totally benefits from my voluntary less working hours because I am rested and more balanced, often ponder at home in the background over issues at work that get resolved by me detaching a bit. Obviously I believe that most people benefit as well as companies and it is a win win situation. Also mental health is in the focus and will benefit form that a lot. Thanks

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almost 4 years ago

I fully support this, it has already been proven in most 9-5 jobs that its much more productive, its not about the hours, its about the work getting done. I know i can get my work done in 4 days, and I even if I dropped a day at work, my work would still require the same work out of me for less pay, it happened before. Why should we work over 5 days when the work can be done over 4. its about time weekends had three days, we need a much more balanced life! I struggle to do some things only being off at weekends, this would give ma a day to do those things. Similarly its been proven folk can work from home just as easily as they did in the office, and no one would have ever believed that.

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almost 4 years ago

There are many practicalities that need to be thought through first. Whilst I support the reasoning and motivation behind the proposal, there is every danger that it could in fact have an extremely negative effect in some workplaces and sectors.

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