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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Is it right to bring back tail docking?

This poll is over 8 years old

Although tail docking was banned in Scotland in 2007, the government plans to introduce an exemption to allow the tail docking of spaniel puppies and certain other working breeds.

Supporters argue it can prevent much more serious, life-threatening injuries later in life, however, animal rights charities argue the figures don't add up and the risk is not worth the pain and cruelty of the practice.

What do you think? Please leave a comment below.

Is it right to bring back tail docking?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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Heather Fleming
over 8 years ago
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over 8 years ago
If you have working dogs you will understand why this needs done! Having been through the ordeal it's horrible
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Andrea Littlejohn
over 8 years ago
At least it will stop the dogs suffering horrendous damage to their tails whilst out on shooting days
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over 8 years ago
If the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is claiming that 500 puppies will have to suffer an amputation for every 1 working dog that actually sustains a tail injury then that's simply not acceptable.
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over 8 years ago
if you ever witnessed tail injury in a Spaniel you would have no hesitation in welcoming this decision. only the ignorant uneducated and uncaring on the facts would support this ban
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Lorna Rankin
over 8 years ago
It's barbaric and completely unnecessary. No dog should be subjected to such cruelty. All this about it being essential for so-called working dogs is utter rubbish.
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James Rutherford
over 8 years ago
Long tails in a working dogs are easily cut damaged and cause dogs lots of pain etc
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Elizabeth McPherson
over 8 years ago
I have seen what happens when working dogs don't have their tails docked. They get injured and damaged to the point they have to be amputated anyway! Surely it would be kinder to have this done humanely when they are just puppies before any damage is caused?
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Elaine Wood
over 8 years ago
In order that we protect our dogs from horrendous pain and suffering caused by tail damage it is the right decision to have working puppies tails docked.
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Jo Clements
over 8 years ago
From personal experience of the pain and distress dealing with a damaged unlocked tail, three operations and seven weeks of pain, not to mention pain from the original injury.
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D. Budd
over 8 years ago
Prevention is MUCH better than having any animal suffer the pain of a tail which has been dammaged and is "treated" for weeks before the vet is able to consider removing the dammaged end.
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Anne Allan
over 8 years ago
It takes weeks for a damaged tail to heal. All our spaniels have had damaged tails.
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Sean Taylor
over 8 years ago
Even non-working spaniels can suffer terrible tail injury if they get adventurous exercise, as they deserve and need. Docking soon after birth, and amputation when much older, are two very different situations for the dog.
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over 8 years ago
If tails are docked by a vet at an early age of the dogs life, it could save a lot of pain and suffering. Thankfully our springer, ex working, came to us docked, never had any problems. Have seen the pain a dog is in with tail damage is not good.
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Les Wallace
over 8 years ago
If tail docking is required to prevent an injury then it's indicative that the activity required of the dog is injurious to its health in the first place. Therefore shouldn't be done. Collies are working dogs, but don't require tail docking to herd sheep. This is what we should be focusing on far too many concessions and accommodations towards elements of the field sports sector who need review and if necessary banned. 'sporting' estates where red deer are stalked traditionally maintain unnaturally high numbers of deer to make their stalking easier for clients. These bloated populations not only graze the hills bare their excess numbers increase the incidence of serious and fatal road accidents due to collisions with numerous, hungry deer seeking forage. So people's' lives are being lost! These issues are linked, big review and reform needed ASAP.
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King User
about 7 years ago
A Big Nooooo..!!
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shibu yadav
almost 7 years ago
Early personal computer based games traditionally counted on the availability of a key-board for game play, or more frequently, required the individual to buy a separate joystick with a minimum of one switch to play.
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Mariana Campos
almost 7 years ago
I study dog communication and behaviour and can say the tail is an essential part of their communication with other dogs and humans. I am also against hunting and using dogs for hunting so I couldn't care that hunters think this is so important! Surely if you knew what is most important in a dog's life, you would know that intra(and inter-)species socialisation is one of the top priorities. And for that, they do need tails! So, sorry if you want them off for the "incredibly important activity" (not!) of hunting.
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