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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: are young people spoilt?

This poll is about 10 years old

It seems that young people today have more toys, clothes, games and opportunities than ever before but is it making them soft? What do you think?

Are young people spoilt?


Third Force News is focusing on families and young people next week, leading up to a special print edition and ebulletin. In advance of that, we're asking what you think of today's young people.

It seems that today's young people have more toys, clothes, games and opportunities than ever before. Tablets for toddlers, designer dresses for preteens and mobile-phone based social lives for high-school kids sees them existing in the world of instant gratification. But what happens when they grow up? Are today's kids too spoilt for the real world? What do you think?

Disagree? Tell us why - please leave a comment.

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about 10 years ago
Wow you have really out done yourselves this time, what a terrible loaded question aimed at everybody over 40. Young people aren't spoilt they just have things differently to what we had. life has moved on lets not constantly look backWith questions like this no wonder young people are disengaged. you should be ashamed
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Douglas J A Roxburgh MBE
almost 10 years ago
Can't disagree with that Manager, though the poll suggests otherwise at the moment. As with many things, then and now and how things were and are has vastly evolved. Similar to many components of living, we have to keep things in perspective and context. My opinion and view, is we are part of the moving wheel and we are consigned to rotate with it, we all need to make the most of it especially for our children and young people so they can pass their learning experiences on to the next generation. After all that's what our families did for us.
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Marilyne Kubath
almost 10 years ago
No I don't think our children are spoiled by having these things. I think we mostly give them these think for ; a) so they are not bullied by there peers, b)trying to make up for not having time to do things with them as a family unit. c) to make up for the deprivation we felt in our youth. d) to compensate for all the pressure we pour on our children. Not in any kind of order.
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