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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: do you support military action against IS in Syria?

This poll is over 9 years old

After recent terrorist outrages, would you support military action in Syria?

Would you support military action against IS in Syria?

Yes - but air strikes only
Yes - we should deploy air strikes and ground troops
No - it will make things worse

The recent terrorist atrocities in Paris have given fresh impetus to calls for military action against so-called Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

Last Friday’s killings, which follow other IS outrages in Beirut and Ankara, have led many to call for the UK to join in some kind of attack – either in the form of air strikes or direct deployment of troops.

Prime Minister David Cameron suffered a defeat in the House of Commons the last time the UK parliament debated talking military action in Syria.

That time it was proposed that UK planes be deployed against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

It is thought the Tory government is considering bringing the issue to the Commons again – this time seeking a mandate for an air attack on IS in Syria.

Before the attack on Paris, polls show that the public – mindful of the disastrous invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan – had been against involvement.

However, since the events in Paris, there has been a noticeable shift, with a recent BMG Research poll finding the country split 50-50 on the subject of air strikes.

A YouGov survey found 58 per cent saying they would approve of the RAF taking part in airstrikes, but in a Survation poll, a majority said military strikes would make the UK a less safe place.

In Scotland, the SNP – with its crucial block of MPs at Westminster – said it was “prepared to listen” to the PM’s case for air strikes, while maintaining its official stance that nothing should be done without a United Nations mandate.

Meanwhile, civil society is gearing up to oppose any rush to arms – with both CND and Stop The War opposing action.

What do you think? Would you support military action against IS in Syria?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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Brian Doyle
over 9 years ago
Any more interventions in Syria by force shall only exacerbate an already volatile situation. If force continues then a) it will simply draw IS out of Syria, b) This is exactly what IS wants the west to do as it gives them an excuse to cause mayhem in west! Lets not forget that this war is mainly about RELIGION and religion has caused wars since before Jesus was born on earth and ever since? Assad caused this initially, although other areas have contributed also!
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tony edwards
over 9 years ago
When Britain and the USA first started bombing Afghanistan in 2001, Islamic Terrorism was a rump hiding in mountain caves. ISIS has grown stronger in tandem with increased western military backed offensives in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Bombing makes things worse.
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Annie Silver
over 9 years ago
Why is it politicians think that more violence will stop the violence? Can they please explain how air strikes will stop the current IS or the next IS from doing what they are doing? It is like seeing the two or three biggest and most aggressive boys in the playground bouncing off each other's chests to see which one is the strongest. Except in the playground there is little collateral damage as the sensible children run away and the ones that are supporters don't realise that what they are doing is wrong until the teacher appears.Who is the teacher here? Who says "stop"?I disagree with Brian that this is not about religion, this is about POWER and whose chest can withstand the biggest push or whose ball is it or whatever "boys" have been pushing against, forever.
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James Green
over 9 years ago
I am really not sure that there is an alternative is to military action. IS will not suddenly enter into some sort of reasoned discussion with the Left wing apologists such as Corbyn and the SNP and then retreat. They do not agree with our way of life, freedom of speech, freedom of religion etc. We are talking about an evil scum, they don't do reasonable. They don't care about Geneva conventions, UN resolutions. Sanctions won't work either as we're not talking about a legitimate state here. Our inaction in Syria in 2013 probably led to the vacuum in Syria that led to IS getting a foothold. It is right that the UK should show solidarity and be part of a broad coalition - we should not be subcontracting our national security but taking responsibility for it. I am still waiting for Corbyn and Angus Robertson (SNP leader) to come up with a compelling alternative(s) to military intervention that would lead to a solution that would eradicate IS.
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Joanne Dickson
over 9 years ago
I do not support air strikes in Syria as civilian casualties are unavoidable and these poor people have suffered enough. Coordinated support and assistance to the Syrian forces currently fighting ISIL, assisting them with intelligence and military strategy is what is needed. These forces have had degrees of success although this is not generally reported in the Western main stream media. Also stop buying oil from sources associated with ISIL and stop indirectly providing them with weapons! Perhaps trying these strategies before charging in to an area where other nations are already experiencing confusion and unnecessary tensions, Russia, Turkey,,
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over 9 years ago
what good did previous wars do with the 'war against terror'....just countless casualties, cities and towns turned to rubble and billions spent. (just when cuts are going in deeper on the domestic front)
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