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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: how will you vote on 8 June?

This poll is about 7 years old

The country faces another Westminster election - tell us how you'll vote

Which party will you vote for on 8 June?

Lib Dem
Won't vote

Here we go again – Theresa May stunned the country this week when she announced a snap general election.

The poll will take place on 8 June, barely two years since the last one.

Political parties have already moved into action – and the campaigning has begun.

That’s why we’re asking – who will you vote for on 8 June?

Cast your vote and get the debate going by leaving a comment.

Voting in this poll has now closed


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about 7 years ago
Why do you refer to one party by its nickname and not its correct name? That is bias. Delegitimises any results from your so-called poll.
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about 7 years ago
I agree with RealFreedom. I'm not seeing the Greens getting their more realistic title of Lapdogs and their owners being called Liars instead of SNP.
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about 7 years ago
I vote SNP, can't stand the tories and its looking good so far. I hope the tories lose the only seat they have here in Scotland, nobody cares for their treatment of women who have been raped, nor the disabled who are being deprived so that the well off toffs can have more.
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Peter Gunn
about 7 years ago
Hi, I was a Labour supporter from my teens, but they drifted to the centre, then to the right. In the wrong direction and staffed by people from the statutory and voluntary sector payrolls who were after pension contributions and career enhancement. . There is only one direction we could possibly go and that is the independence road. There really is nothing else left unless we put an end to greed and avarice overnight. Not likely eh?
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Ian MacDonald
about 7 years ago
Scotland has one chance, one hope of evading the devastation that is coming.Sure, it *will* all be OK for the fairly wealthy. However for the poor, the unwell, and the elderly, as well as for average families and most young people today, the course that is charted by the Tories, whom Scots have rejected time and time again, leads to more poverty, more hardship, more young people leaving Scotland, less support for Scotland's industries and fields of excellence, and just a bleaker future.Scotland is a different kind of nation in the UK, one where we all, by-and-large, look out for our fellow citizens whoever they are, rich or poor, and whatever their background or cultural journey to being stakeholders in Scotland's success.We're different too because we have a choice - one we have forged for ourselves through hard self-examination of who we want to be. For a short time only, we have the possibility to opt for a future that we can shape ourselves.In that future, a whole spectrum of parties will allow an independent Scotland's voice to be heard - at home and on the international stage. Green, socialist, centrist, even moderate conservative. In the General Election however, the only way to secure this future is to vote SNP. For me, for my kids, this matters so very much.
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James McGuckin
about 7 years ago
I lived through the destruction Thatcher visited on Scotland.I will not watch my grandchildren suffer the same.Independence is our only option now.
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Steve McFadzean
about 7 years ago
After what the tories did to Scotland in past generations -robbing us blind for the benefit of the south-east of England - I will never trust them with anything. Labour have now become just as bad, and seem to have no desire to stand up for Scotland, even when it is patently obvious that the xenophobic brexiteers have embarked on a route which will lead to even less favourable treatment of Scotland by Westminster than is currently the case. They promised us "near-Federalism" and the "most powerful devolved parliament anywhere in the world" if we voted against our own independence, and they failed to deliver. They are currently at it again, making promises to Scotland to gain temporary political advantage, and - I have no doubt - they will renege on their latest promises, too.I'll be voting SNP in the council elections and in the general election.
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about 7 years ago
Theresa's risk worth
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