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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: should heading be banned from children’s football?

This poll is over 5 years old

The Scottish FA is to consider a ban on children under 12 heading the ball, following a report linking dementia to football.

Experts at the University of Glasgow found former professional players are three and a half times more likely to die of degenerative brain disease.

Scottish football's governing body will consider a range of options after discussions with medical experts.

So that’s why we’re asking: Should heading be banned from children's football?

Register your vote and get involved by posting a comment below.

Should heading be banned from children's football?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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Richard Moore
over 5 years ago
I come from a high pedigree schools, amateur and professional footballers. 4 generations and counting.We have headed everything that moved over the past 120 years.Big fat, lumpy, rain soaked, 5 stone and pear shaped with a half tonne of whip lash laces hanging off the bladder. It was like head butting a sack of Kerr's Pinks.Brick hard Mouldmasters that would brain a bull at 50 paces. Immediate concussion GUARANTEED if your contact was misjudged.Stingy polka dot "team balls", over inflated just enough to cause temporary blindness on contact. It was like getting belted on the forehead with your grannie's basin complete with tattie peelings.Result? A long history of Dementia, Headaches and other related issues.Funny descriptions? Serious outcomes?Richard , Motherwell laddie.
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over 5 years ago
It's sad that this is, as a society, what we've become. A nation of over-protectors, raising bubble-wrapped snowflakes. Let children be children and experience the game with all the risk that's involved in learning a sport.
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adam sillers
over 5 years ago
it should be banned because it is causing brain damage and it could effect people in later life
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Tina Hoskins
about 5 years ago
I feel that kid's need to be a kid adult's &couche;'s lay off stop pushing so hard let them be there self's.Kid's will be a lot less rebelous if other'sstop. "Pushing them"
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