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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: Should Tony Blair be indicted for war crimes?

This poll is over 8 years old

Renewed calls for former prime minister to face legal action over Iraq war

Should Tony Blair be indicted for war crimes?


While Sir John Chilcot’s inquiry did not look at the legality of the Iraq war there have been calls since its findings were announced for former prime minister Tony Blair to face legal action.

Previously, Alex Salmond said if the inquiry found Blair had made a secret commitment to the government of the United States of America to support the war then he should be taken to the International Criminal Court.

And, a group of MPs are now taking advice on impeaching the former PM which would bar him from ever holding office again.

So today, we’re asking: Should Tony Blair be indicted for war crimes?

Let us know your answer by voting and leaving a comment below.

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Terence Williams
almost 6 years ago
He started the war on the pretence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The inspector who returned from Iraq with evidence no weapons existed died from suspicious circumstances
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almost 8 years ago
We are all forgetting former Yugoslavia and how much war criminal Blair contributed to deaths of thousands of civilians, some of them children, breaking international law and without UN agreement. 1991-1999!
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Tim Hutton
over 8 years ago
Blair should most definitely tried for war crimes; he still denies any wrongdoing and complacency in the face of that legitimises any further illegitimate warmongering
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Georg Holthausen
over 8 years ago
we did not slip into a war. Tony Blair took us into a war on false pretences and by hiding the truth even from his own cabinet. The Chilcot enquiry, although stopping short of putting the blame, quite clearly shows that we went to war because Bush wanted to go to war and Blair was prepared to do anything to manipulate opinion here among the public and his government in order to get a pretence of legitimacy for that war. He was Bush's stirrup holder. Certainly guilty as is Bush.
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Peter Le Riche
over 8 years ago
Of course he should, without question. We need to lead by example - democracy holds on the balance!
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Peter Le Riche
over 8 years ago
Of course he should, we should lead by example and democracy holds on the balance!
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peter goldrick
over 7 years ago
I find great difficulty in using polite language to make reference to b-Liar aka miranda aka charles lynton bow street cottager. This greedy person and war criminal has done a great deal of harm to the UK and it's indigenous people.
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James tripney
over 8 years ago
Guilty as charged , waging agressive war on a soverign nation got nazis hung at nuremberg after ww2 ,
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peter leriche
over 6 years ago
New Labor - New Ivory tower - throw him to the dogs
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Tom Donaldson
over 8 years ago
It's a no Brainer post a 7 year thorough Inquiry that certainly not only puts him in the duck of history but proves ge needs to be punished fur the illegal actions should all.those voting for the illegal war.
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over 8 years ago
only the simple will vote No
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Kassem M Said
almost 2 years ago

He has to be prosecuted and cannot be protected by crooked judges which they surely are .He's a mass murderer that hides behind a crooked British institution that's not fit for purpose . TONY BLAIR MUST PAY FOR HIS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ...HE MUST AND WILL BE ..

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Georgio de Porgio
almost 3 years ago

If there's one thing we love to hate more than a Labour politician it's a successful Labour politician. Many people's judgement is clouded by this simple fact Saddam Hussain killed as many people (marsh arabs) as the war did, He used chemical weapons on his own people in northern Iraq. Blair/Bush action saved countless lives. Saddams trial was made possible by Tony Blair

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