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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: should we have locked down sooner?

This poll is almost 5 years old

The coronavirus lockdown, we’re being told, has become the new normal as we try to overcome the Covid pandemic.

We are all getting used to elements of control in and of our lives that just a few weeks ago were being routinely described in astonished terms as “unprecedented”.

Unprecedented they are to the post WW2 generations – but as the weeks grind on, astonishment has given way to a grim fatalism, and willingness to see this through.

And it appears to be working – hospital admissions in Scotland are falling. Hopefully the terrible death toll will begin to drop as well.

There has been much discussion recently about when – and how – we will come out of lockdown. That might seem premature as we are only part of the way through this journey, but looking ahead is inevitable.

And so is looking back. The period from late February till around the middle of March seems light years away. Those were days when we still went to pubs and football matches and other sporting events in our tens of thousands.

There were warnings then – plenty of them, especially from Covid-ravaged Italy – that we were being led blindly into disaster.

We were warned that those days when we appeared to do nothing despite the mounting threat could lead to tens of thousands of deaths. Time will tell who called this right – but there could be a hefty price to pay for fatal inaction.

So that’s why we are asking: should we have locked down sooner?

Vote now and join in the debate by leaving a comment below.

Covid-19: should we have locked down sooner?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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almost 5 years ago
Yes but was an impossible call to make, the enemy is the virus.
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almost 5 years ago
The liar of a PM and the UK cabinet deserve to be tried for crimes against humanity - they happily decided to 'kill off' the weker people in society by assuming herd immunity would work; this despite plenty of growing evidence from Chine, S. Korea etc. to the opposite.
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Maggie Brown
almost 5 years ago
Yes for sure especially in London re public transport etc. Also Cheltenham should not have been allowed to proceed and this should be investigated at some point in future.
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almost 5 years ago
South Korea's efforts to test and trace saved untold numbers of lives. The UK's choice not to do the same has cost thousands of lives, and the UK government keeps not doing it. An earlier lockdown would have helped Italy immensely, but they decided to try for business as usual for as long as possible, and suffered horribly for it. Deciding to emulate them even as the Italian death toll rose is, I think, indefensible.
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Mark Gallagher
almost 5 years ago
There has been a complete ignorance and arrogance demonstrated by both UK and Scottish Governments. The WHO advised the world in early January of a global pandemic, yet no action or urgency took place in preparing. We had a Health Secretary standing at the dispatch box in late January claiming the UK was prepared; closely followed by a Prime Minister displaying complete contempt for the seriousness and danger this disease would bring- 'taking it on the chin', shaking hands, his father going down the pub. It only became serious when the disease started to effect the upper class, as there was now a vulnerability for all. There is a complete lack of humility by politicians in accepting responsibility. The Scottish Government appears to be hiding behind a 4 nation approach, yet many inconsistencies. If the WHO provided this warning, why wasn't there more action by the First Minister in pushing for action? This is about doing what's right. People on the frontline continue being failed with little acceptance by politicians. The scientist on last nights Question Time ripped politicians apart with facts, not spin or defensiveness!
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