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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: to beat Covid, should we close the pubs again?

This poll is over 4 years old

Just when we thought we’d turned a corner… Covid rushed back to bite us.

A few months ago First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced what she called an “elimination strategy” for dealing with coronavirus, as, after months of stringent lockdown, the numbers contracting the disease had been pushed right down.

Fast forward to this week and we entered a new phase – an alarming rise in cases and a partial return to aspects of lockdown, if not – yet – the full thing.

This was perhaps inevitable as schools and universities returned and the economy began to open up.

People gathering in houses have been blamed for the rise, and there has been a crackdown in visiting others’ homes.

Many have pointed to the re-opening of pubs and restaurants as a possible accelerant in cases. This concern was partly reflected by the fact that a UK-wide pub curfew of 10pm is now in force.

But does this go far enough? The licensed trade says its premises are Covid-secure. It points to the fact that it supports many jobs and incomes. But others say indoor venues such as pubs will inevitably be arenas for the spread of Covid – especially as the weather turns colder.

This is why we are asking – to beat Covid, should we close the pubs again?

Vote now and join in the debate by leaving a comment below.

Covid: is it time to close the pubs again?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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over 4 years ago
if closing the pubs will reduce the spread then yes, close them or reduce them to only being open at weekends. I do not think the spread is caused by households, many people are not having parties and loads of different people in their homes, since this all started the most I have had in my home is 6, and those people are all people I see most often and would class as in my bubble! Pub premises might be clean etc but people are drinking out of glasses that are washed and how many times have you been in a pub and been given a dirty glass! Maybe they just need to start using disposable cups, or maybe you take your own with you!
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over 4 years ago
Whilst closing pubs would seem at first sight to be a good idea one has to think of the consequences. During a full scale lockdown pubs being closed is not a great issue - people have to stay in their own homes apart from essential outings. Once lockdown is eased then it is a different ball game - closing pubs now would simply encourage folk to 'bend' the rules and socialise at home - often with no regard for social distancing or any other guidelines. Also, how long can people last without socialising? Like most things if there is a long-term blanket ban people start to crave whatever is banned increasing greater and more often - just think about being told what to eat/not eat on very strict diets! What is essential though is for bars to take the guidelines VERY seriously - the likes of Wetherspoons etc. which seem happy to flout the guidelines should lose their licences immediately for a minimum of six months - I bet other bars would quickly enforce the guidelines!
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over 4 years ago

People are out working. How is it any different? Picking winners and losers, not a game for me. Debasing the currency will very soon catch up. The unemployment tsunami will be 10x worse than COVID. The average age of COVID deaths is very high at 82.4 years old. That tells a story of how we can live without deaths. One group needs to be urgently restricted from all public meetings, gatherings and access to the young (literally shielded with all we can muster - yes plastic booths fitted to their front doors so they can see family and friends and receive supplies and carers in mega PPE safely) and deaths will literally STOP. Sounds crazy but you stop 80+ dying COVID stats don't look so bad. Long COVID, vaccines etc is another debate.

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