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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

TFN poll: should charities pay celebrities to back their campaigns?

This poll is about 10 years old

After Barnardo's recently came under fire for paying Made In Chelsea's Binky Felstead £3,000 to front their campaign, debates are now surfacing over whether charities should be shelling out fees to celebrities to publicise their causes.

While well-known faces can cost charities a great deal of money, a successful campaign can bring in huge revenues and raise the profile of the charity.

What do you think? Is it right? Or should charity money go elsewhere?

Join the debate, comment below and vote in our TFN poll!

Is it right for charities to pay celebrities to back their campaigns?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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Douglas J A Roxburgh MBE
about 10 years ago
To raise your profile, project your campaign and get your message or appeal across a decision is made how best and who is to do it. The multi media industry is an equally multi billion pound component of business, social and public life. If celebs are paid and the targets are met by the organisation then it's money well invested, if not then rightly the reason for failure needs to be open to question and a modified approach taken.
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M Wallace
about 10 years ago
This issue is exactly the same as the Chief Executive pay fiasco. Why should a charity have to play to different rules than other organisations?My question would be why would you want (as a celebrity) to front a campaign that you don't believe in enough to do for free?Charities pay for advertising space in magazines, websites and even underground stations. They pay for promoted twitter campaigns so why shouldn't the employ individuals as the face of their campaign as part of a marketing strategy?Once again the third sector is trying to take the 'holier than though' approach, Barnardo's shouldn't apologise for this maybe they should have tried a little bit harder to find a celebrity supporter to front it but all they are doing is deploying an age old marketing tactic to better their mission.
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C McGoldrick
about 10 years ago
My issue is less with the charity offering the fee and more with the celebrity accepting. I believe you should only get involved with charities you believe in and feel a drive to support, not because you get paid £3k.Yes it makes sense to use celebrity endorsement to try and attract a new audience and increase donations etc but surely the good PR for the celeb and the satisfaction of doing something good should be enough? In additional if the aim is to attract young people, young people are not stupid. If a celeb has to be paid to bother fronting a campaign that will not exactly make it attractive to them.
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Alan Young
about 10 years ago
Much of my distate for this idea comes from the fact that I, like many people in the charity sector, have devoted so much of my life working and arguing passionately for a more just and equal world, and the extreme inequality in people's levels of 'fame' or 'celebrity' strikes me as every bit as noxiousas the extremes of wealth and income we see, not just here in Scotland but around the Globe.
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