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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Is Creative Scotland right to fund the artist behind The Glasgow Effect?

This poll is about 9 years old

Creative Scotland has come under fire for funding a controversial project which many believe patronises Glaswegians. What do you think?

Was Creative Scotland right to fund the artist behind The Glasgow Effect?


It has created a social media storm with mockery and anger being displayed in equal measure.

Yet it’s actually nothing unusual: an artist being funded to undertake an innovative conceptual project.

Nonetheless artist Ellie Harrison has been the subject of criticism for embarking on a project in which she won’t leave Glasgow for an entire year.

Called The Glasgow Effect, Harrison says she will explore ideas of community and what it means to be Glaswegian.

For this she’ll be funded to the tune of £15,000 by Creative Scotland. Is this a wise use of Creative Scotland’s cash? Is this project really worthy of public money?

Let us know your thoughts.

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Bridgid Corr
about 9 years ago
What a load of narcissistic, patronising rubbish! The real 'Glasgow Effect' is the informative research by GCPH...... I'd rather see the £15k addressing some of the issues in this report! :-(
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Alan McGinley
about 9 years ago
The backlash to the backlash is in full swing. The conceptual arts community and their hingers on are having none of this philistinism. One such posted the following on fb:"I'm amazed at the amount of people who have solid opinions about The Glasgow Effect with not that much knowledge, yet the facts are out there. Reminds me a bit of the referendum, but then the opinions were more of the 'I can't decide' variety."I replied: "It's partly about funding and that's down to Ellie herself, who has a particular agenda (alluded to here: As for having an opinion without the facts, I've read many posts which have looked into the background and the application itself. Yes, there is an immediate reaction too and why should that count for less? This is not an attack on conceptual or environmental art per se but an example of the latter which, for many of us, has no merit as art or activism. At best, it's specious nonsense; at worst, it's an insult to art and the people of the city that Ellie has made her home.And one such replied: "Good on you Alan, put the boot into a piece of work before it's complete. No merit? Here's my thoughts on yours. F**k off, your opinions are not valid."Whaur's yer Enlightenment noo?!!!
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