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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Poll: Which is the worst welfare reform?

This poll is over 9 years old

From axing a deaf person's benefits for not taking a job in a telephone call centre to redefining poverty, what's been the worst welfare reform?

What is the worst welfare reform?

Work Capability Assessments
Bedroom Tax
Benefit sanctions
Redefining child poverty
Scrapping housing benefit for young people

Work is the best route out of poverty, both Tony Blair and David Cameron have proclaimed. But, coincidentally, it's also the best way to reduce the welfare budget.

For at least the last five years welfare reform has been the single biggest factor affecting Britain's lower social classes, blamed for trapping people into a cycle of inescapable poverty, especially the vulnerable, the disabled and the unemployed.

What, in your view, has been the worst benefit reform?

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over 9 years ago
I am a retired Gentleman But i am aware that the TORY BOYS have brought in Austerity laws That are completely Illegal under the HUMAN RIGHTS ACTS Forcing unemployed people to go to work for business in Dumfries for NO WAGES where they will never get training or chances of employment in the field they are already qualified for If any unemployed people refuse they stop there Benefits This is completely Illegal under the Human Rights Acts Which Supercede ALL UK LAW. Nobody shall cause SLAVERY ON A PERSON Nobody shall cause TORTURE Suffering Mental or Physical or Starvation Nobody shall treat a person in a DEGRADING and INHUMAN MANNER No public body shall persecute an individual person Nobody shall interfere with family life. Ironically the Tories have also broken there own laws on the MINIMUM WAGE which they brought in last year of £6.50 per hour What i cannot understand what are the SNP & LABOUR PARTY Doing about it The answer is NOTHING What are the HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONERS Doing in Edinburgh I would suggest they are all on back handers Some one should be Banging David Cameron & the rest of the Tory IMBECILES into the Supreme Courts of Human Rights in london And get them all put behind Bars where they belong This Country has never got back on its feet since Maggie Thatcher shut down all the manufacturing business like the steel works/ Coal mines/dock yards /Trade unions. Now Another Devils Disciple David Cameron is intent on putting Families INTO ADVERSE POVERTY Starving little children just like Maggie Thatcher who stopped children's milk at school. The Tories give hundreds of millions each year to foreign Aid countries for so called POVERTY. Charity begins at Home Thousands of people are living on the streets in the UK Children are starving to death Food banks Soup kitchens are opening at the rate of six per the UK.
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over 9 years ago
Not having been affected by any of these reforms, yet, I voted for benefit sanctions. However, I expect they are all equally bad policies for those individuals affected by them and we should oppose them all.
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Mary O' the Colonies
over 9 years ago
What is the purpose of this poll? It is a bit like asking who do you think is the worst dictator - Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot or Saddam Hussein? Pointless.
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almost 9 years ago
All so called reforms are an abomination. They are an attack on the people. It is nothing short of war on the poor, and/or those just struggling to get by, (with little room to manoeuvre in terms of quality of life and standard of living) at the hands of the westminster unionist parties. Shocking and sickening.
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