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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Who will you vote for on 5 May?

This poll is almost 9 years old

Which party will you vote for?

Liberal Democrats
Scottish Green Party
Won't vote
Other party

Will it be keenly contested or an SNP whitewash in line with the results from the UK general election last year? In order to gauge whihc party the nation will choose come 5 May, TFN wants to know how you will vote on the day. Below is a list of all ther main parties. Which will get your vote?

Voting in this poll has now closed


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sarah barwood
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 and 2
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almost 9 years ago
SNP - Constituency Vote Greens - Regional List Vote
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Iain Barker
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 but RISE on List vote.
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almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 & 2
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Eddie lee
almost 9 years ago
1 & 2 for me
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Andrew Johnston
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 & 2 The Only Real Scottish Party that looks after the interests of Scottish People. All the rest of the main parties are just Branches held to account by their English counterparts.All my Family will be voting SNP x 2
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Nicola McKay
almost 9 years ago
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Edith Cargill
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 and 2 The only party for Scotland
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Maria Burt
almost 9 years ago
Voting SNP because they are stand out from the rest of the parties by a mile!
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Andrew Mackay
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1/Jean Uruquhart2
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helen simpson
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1and2 only ones I trust
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Linda Richards
almost 9 years ago
S.N.P 1 and 2
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Linda Richards
almost 9 years ago
S .N.P 1 and 2
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Frances Cafolla
almost 9 years ago
The Tories have disappeared from the graph now...pity they can't do that in real life
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Andy Drynan
almost 9 years ago
Rise and Greens are for after Indy, only SNP 1+2 relevant.
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Sharon Murray
almost 9 years ago
The SNP are the ONLY party in Scotland who put Scotland first and foremost and who actually care about the people of Scotland. #BOTHVOTESSNP
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almost 9 years ago
In all honesty. can not bring myself to vote for any of them. All politicians are liars and cheats whose principals are so warped they don't remember what they are any more. Also they all have policies I don't agree with. e.g. labour intent on destroying the economy, Tories are all about cuts, lib dems don't have policies that are coherent, the greens have the open borders policy and the SNP has the appalling named person policy which flys in the face of parents ability to be parents.
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almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 and 2 then onward to IndyRef 2
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Jacquie Perrie
almost 9 years ago
The other parties are not credible in Scotland! They represent the elitist British establishment which is parasitical growth on my Country! Said Alba!
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Fraser Grant
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 and 2 We need to compound the message we sent Westminster last year
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almost 9 years ago
Who would vote conservative or Labour in Scotland? Surely they only watch BBC or have no tv or you're eyes
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almost 9 years ago
I have moved to scotland .sold my house moved my job and family to make sure i dont miss out on a independent scotland if theres a second referendum.the thought of living in england with a permanent tory goverment terrified snp all the way for me
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almost 9 years ago
Labour, not perfect but I would never vote for a party that is as divisive as the SNP.
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Graeme Robertson
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1&2
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Mark Stephen
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 & 2 The only Party that give a toss about the people of Scotland
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Liz Knapp
almost 9 years ago
SNP both votes. Only party fighting for Scotland's people
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Joan Campbell
almost 9 years ago
There's just no other choice. The other parties are not Scottish and don't put Scotland first.
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johnny rudkin
almost 9 years ago
the snp is the only party that is 100% for scotland the rest have to kow tow to westminster
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Duncan Malxolm
almost 9 years ago
Had the SNP kept their promise to replace Council tax with Local Income Tax I would be voting for them - The Green's Property Tax is not much better as many will still pay nothing despite earning far more than Pensioners but at least the rich will pay more.
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almost 9 years ago
What an amount of Nationalist bigoted comments on here for a third sector publication!
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Robert McHarg
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 & 2. Only party that can get us out of the turmoil we are in
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almost 9 years ago
To vote for two different parties defies logic. SNP both votes.
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almost 9 years ago
The snp are the better ones who will take back our country Scotland,There were a lot of scaremoungering at the ref,Nows the time to stand up and be heard Snp will do its best to look after our children and grandchildren the future is in your children please remember this,vote yes for snp
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almost 9 years ago
snp 1 + 2
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almost 9 years ago
SNP 1+2
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almost 9 years ago
SNP x 2 as none of the other so called parties have not got one coherent policy on theNHS, Policing ,Fracking. Or any other issue. Labour, Lib dems, tories.all tell a tissue of lies re policies to try and win votes . The greens could make a positive impact on policies. Whereas Rise and solidarity ,are only trying to gain votes at the cost too the SNP. So both votes to SNP.
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Diana Proudfoot
almost 9 years ago
SNP all the way
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Jacqui Caldwell
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1&2 .... They are our only hope for independence for Scotland!
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almost 9 years ago
SNP the only party that care about Scotland. So proud of them
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Alison Rollo
almost 9 years ago
Realistically there is actually no other party to vote for than SNP -- superb record in government! Why would Scot's want a party with a head office in London in power? Rise and Solidarity would be a waisted vote until we get independence. Wish Greens could be the opposition though.
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William Douglas
almost 9 years ago
Looks like there is no need for a campaign. Everyone has already made up their minds!
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Gayle Smith
almost 9 years ago
It's SNP Both Votes for me of the others only Rise and the Greens are remotely credible the others just do what Westminster tells them and as for UKIP you'd get more sense from shop window dummies.
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David Cairns
almost 9 years ago
Both votes SNP. They have consistently proven themselves as capable, competent and in touch with the needs and aspirations of the majority of Scotland's population. They are not without fault, but stand head and shoulders above all other contenders.
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almost 9 years ago
To describes the SNP as a party that stands up for Scotland is a bad joke.Given the way they have taken from the poor, given to the rich and decimated the third sector I'm ashamed by this poll.
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Liz lowrey
almost 9 years ago
It's both votes SNP for me
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Ina Disguise
almost 9 years ago
I can see the headlines now - Green threat to SNP. Labour not far behind. Too funny.
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Maisie McGhee
almost 9 years ago
\¤*¨¨*¤.¸ ¸...¸.¤* \5th Mar 2016: \¸ 2x SNP ¤* .\¸.¤*¨¨*¤ .¸¸.¸.¤* ..\ ☻/ /▌ / \ ‪#‎sp16‬ ‪#‎bothvotessnp‬ ‪#‎snp16‬
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William Brogan
almost 9 years ago
SNP the only party capable of looking after us ,the others have to phone London every time they open their mouths.
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Brian Doyle
almost 9 years ago
I have voted SNP for past 10+ years, however following referendum nonsense being spouted out by Nicola Sturgeon I feel that despite my voting yes I have now had opportunity to fully investigate the actual costs to the Scottish Public from this SNP Government, who is going to pay for the continuing FREE ITEMS like Prescriptions;Bus Passes; Bedroom Tax to name just a few? According to Scottish Economists Scotland will be in region of £20 Billion shortfall by 2020?
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Henry Tait
almost 9 years ago
The SNP is an independent & autonomous party - That puts Scotlands Priorities first - Both votes SNP.
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Patricia Plunkett
almost 9 years ago
I will be voting SNP twice, because I read about all three of the opposition parties and think what planet are they on ?Does Scotland matter to you ? Not one of you are worthy of a Scottish vote and that is why I am sticking to the party that has done more for Scotland in the time they have been in charge, than all three have done in 30years.PFI schools, higher prescriptions pensions cut. Voting for austerity or abstaining on a vote, the Blue Tories make the bullets and the Red Tories fire the shots.
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Barbara-Anne Haig
almost 9 years ago
I am voting SNP. I am so disappointed with Labour voting with Tories on the welfare reform bill, yet they are against austerity. It's a split party. Tories are unforgivable and Lib-dems finished. I am disgusted about Lib-Dem politician applying to Joseph Rowntree Charitable foundation to pay £50,000 towards a legal bill because he lied. Sick of the lack of morals and do not trust them. All the best with whatever you vote.
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almost 9 years ago
SNP why? Because of all the reasons explained and that you all know. SNP do work for Scotland and Scots while the rest, are out for themselves.Good luck to them, they destroyed their own party, that must be a hard pill to swallow, maybe that's why they still can't and just repetedly attack and insult us all.We woke up. Both votes snp
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Hugh Jarse
almost 9 years ago
Scottish Labour died when they got into bed with the Tories and sold their soul to block an independent Scotland. Gordon Brown has single handedly consigned The Labour Party to the history books
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Raymond Thomson
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 & " to ensure we can push for #Indy2
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Allan McAllister
almost 9 years ago
Of all the political parties in Scotland the SNP are the only ones who stand up and support the Scots. SNP 1 & 2 for me.
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almost 9 years ago
rainbow tories out snp 1 and 2
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almost 9 years ago
rainbow tories, out snp 1 and 2
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almost 9 years ago
my post isn't being accepted, its possibly because my comment is rainbow tories out
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Gayle Smith
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 & 2 I would never consider voting for any unionist party even if they promised me the kingdom of heaven.It has to be SNP Rise and the Greens aren't ready yet.
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Gayle Smith
almost 9 years ago
SNP 1 & 2 I would never vote for any unionist party.
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almost 9 years ago
I will be voting SNP one and two Nicola Sturgeon its head and shoulders above the opposition
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Sandra jaconelli
almost 9 years ago
SNP the only party that cares about scotland snp1-2
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David Ross
almost 9 years ago
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almost 9 years ago
Because the SNP answer to the people of Scotland the others answer to their bosses in London. So the SNP are the only people acting in Scotland's interests.
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dennis bartholomew
almost 9 years ago
i think the snp will win comfertly and get a big majority the other partys dont have any cmpassion the labour party are all over the piace the torys and liberials havent got a clue what the people want i would like to see the greens do well mr harvey seems to know what he is talking about but snp for me the other patys seem to be controlled from London the scottish lab party is not a scottish party as they have an english rose as their symbol so come on my feeow citizents o scotland snp 1 2
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Cliff serbie
almost 9 years ago
SNP is the only one that's not lied been deceitful and will give us our Indy. Liebour are awful traitors and lib dem well I rest my case and tories are just rich wanna be's who want to sell everything to their rich friends and make a profit for themselves. I for one is sick to the back of my teeth with the constant bully tactics and harassment a of fear monger img and I staining and finally. There lack of moral support for the people who voted them in. Shame on you. #snpbothvotes.
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