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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Who will you vote for in your constituency on May 6?

This poll is almost 4 years old

TFN is running two polls - here we ask how you will use your constituency vote.

Voting in this poll has now closed


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Eddie Neilly
almost 4 years ago

What was originally a voluntry union has now became a dictatorship

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William Mutter
almost 4 years ago

Mr Dross (Kim Jong-un of Moray) said should the people of Scotland vote to have a referendum on independence he will not allow it, Labour in Scotland have went along with their Westminster masters and ripped off Scots for decades. Lib Dems in Scotland are only interested in ripping off the people of Scotland with whoever wants it, SNP are the only party that fight for Scotland and the Scots and are getting both votes from me

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Lok Yue
almost 4 years ago

The SNP advocates independence yet even after years in office they have yet to describe an independent landscape in terms of currency, trade or defence. At the same time they have messed up three hospital contracts, a contract for unbuilt ferries, an aluminium smelter costing hundreds of millions, maintained a Gaelic Board whose profligacy has been condemned by SNP MPs, preside over a failing education system and a drug problem seemingly out of control. Oh and a FM found guilty of misleading parliament. Can we not do better than this?

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Gareth Morgan
almost 4 years ago

At one level this is interesting, but I am not quite clear how this survey fits with SCVO's charitable objects. How does knowing the voting intentions of people in the sector help? As we all know, charities cannot get involved in encouraging support for specific parties, and some people are clearly using this to post very party-political comments which should not generally be appearing on a website of a charity.

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Concerned citizen
almost 4 years ago

Seriously after all the parliamentary scrutiny over Sturgeon and Salmond people are still voting SNP. Can they do wrong? Do we have no standards? Do we turn a blind eye to this and failed policies cause they can deliver independence? Beggars belief. What will your pension and savings be worth in a new currency , impact on your mortgage debt, the cost of setting up new institutions, new country borrowing money to do this will get charged higher rates, no bank of last resort. I could keep going. How many current SNP MSPs will still have power in 5 years?

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