Phil Cox, chief executive of Scottish Veterans Residences, hasn't ended up playing international rugby but does work to provide help to those in need
Can you sum up SVR in a sentence for us?
Providing support and accommodation to vulnerable veterans – being here for them when they have nowhere else to go.
How many hours do you normally work in a week?
Always set the bar higher than you think you can achieve
Phil Cox
Is it better to work for a big or a small organisation?
Done both, don’t mind. The key is always team work no matter how many people are involved.
Where did you work last?
I completed 32 years of service in the Royal Air Force before joining SVR.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Who is or was your role model?
My dad.
If you could give one piece of advice what would it be?
Always set the bar higher than you think you can achieve.
How did you end up in this job?
Because supporting veterans really matters to me.
Is this a step on the ladder to success or your final destination?
Neither - I base my career upon doing the right thing and working with SVR is the right place to be.
You are a veterans' charity; what could charities learn from the Forces?
Dignity, respect, dedication, and loyalty.
You have just appointed a new chair - are boards the strength or a burden to the sector?
A great strength – they provide wisdom, guidance and oversight.
What motivates you?
Making people happy.
What’s your favourite film and why?
The entire Star Wars saga.
Would your 18-year-old self be impressed with where you are now?
Mildly – I wanted to play international rugby.
Brian Denis Cox or Brian Edward Cox?
How do you compare a scientist and an actor – I respect and admire them both.
Phil Cox is chief executive of Scottish Veterans Residences.