Find out who has a new job in the voluntary sector in our Goodmovers round-up. Don't forget to email your new starts to [email protected]
Rebecca Curtis has been appointed information and marketing officer at the Institute of Fundraising Scotland. Curtis will ensure fundraisers get the most out of their membership to the institute, and that they have access to training and networking opportunities, and support and advice. Previously, she has worked as a sole fundraiser for a variety of small to medium sized charities over the past four years, including as a grants officer at PBC Foundation and fundraising officer at Lothian Autistic Society. She has strong professional interests in all things digital, including social media and is a member of the institute herself. |
Tasha Watson has joined Scouts Scotland as new programme and development officer. Before taking on her new role, Watson assisted in the set up and management of Visit Helensburgh, a local destination marketing organisation, where she worked alongside various government and national bodies to help maintain the tourism provision within the town. Watson will now use her professional skills and Scouting experience to support the growth and development of Scouting across Scotland. |
HIV Scotland has appointed Mike Reid as the new chair of its board. Reid, an accountant and head of corporate services for Relationships Scotland is also treasurer of Volunteer Centre Edinburgh. He is committed to enabling people to make informed choices about their sexual health and has previously been a trustee for other HIV charities. Reid joined the board in January 2013 and was appointed chair last month. He replaces Jackie Morton who was chair of HIV Scotland since 2011. |