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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Goodmovers: 23 October 2017

This feature is over 7 years old

Here are few people moving around in Scotland's third sector

Very Rev Dr Russell Barr

Goodmovers: 23 October 2017

Former Church of Scotland moderator Very Rev Dr Russell Barr is the new associate convener of Scottish Churches Housing Action. Dr Barr was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 2016-17. During his moderatorial year, he consistently highlighted Scotland’s problems of homelessness. In his farewell address to the General Assembly, in the presence of the First Minister, he said that at best Scotland was managing homelessness, and had lost the vision that it can be eradicated.

Of his appointment, he said: “I have a long association with Scottish Churches Housing Action, going back to the early days of Fresh Start in Edinburgh. I’m pleased to take on this more formal role. During my moderatorial year, I wasted no opportunity to raise the problems of homelessness with politicians and others. I’ll be using the connections within the Action Group to make sure that the churches’ voice is heard.”

Carol Cawood

Goodmovers: 23 October 2017

Carol Cawood is stepping down as chair of Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT) after 10 years of dedicated service.

Carol’s background is in social housing and she was director of Prospect Community Housing in Wester Hailes until 2014. She was involved with improving the external environment for Prospect’s tenants on a 1970s peripheral estate where most natural features had been destroyed, creating an ongoing challenge and priority for the housing association.

During Carol’s time as chair, ELGT has delivered more than 250 projects worth over £8m across Edinburgh and the Lothians which have made a big improvement to people’s lives. The trust has been at the forefront of developing programmes of activity that help improve health and wellbeing by using greenspaces. This includes woodland activities to improve mental health and the development of healthy lifestyle programmes.

A particular highlight for Carol has been the extensive work carried out at Hailes Quarry Park, previously a neglected former land-fill site, now a much used and appreciated community asset.

Carol said: “I feel that ELGT’s vision and resolve to fulfil it are admirable, as is the professionalism, creativity and enthusiasm of their staff team. It has been a genuine pleasure to have been part of their journey.”