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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Goodmovers 30 April 2018

This feature is about 6 years old

Who is on the move in Scotland's third sector?

Gayle Adynana

Goodmovers 30 April 2018

St Andrew’s First Aid Training and Supplies Ltd has appointed a new managing director to head up the social enterprise. Gayle Adynana has had a diverse career and joins St Andrew’s from the private sector. Prior to that, she was the deputy chief executive at Children's University Scotland and director at SkillForce Scotland. These roles allowed Gayle to promote subjects that she is passionate about, including attainment, inclusion and social justice within education in Scotland. In her new role, Gayle will be responsible for overseeing the social enterprise’s goal of generating profits for reinvestment in community led activities.

Sir Ian Diamond

Goodmovers 30 April 2018

Professor Sir Ian Diamond is to become the new chair of global children's charity Plan International UK. Principal and vice chancellor of the University of Aberdeen until July 2018, Sir Ian became chair of the charity on 25 April. He said: "Plan International UK is a fantastic organisation with which I'm hugely excited to be working. I've been a great admirer of its life-changing work for girls and boys around the world for many years, and I can't wait to get started and to help the charity continue to go from strength to strength."

Ian Cumming MBE

Goodmovers 30 April 2018

Veterans’ charity Erskine has announce the appointment of Ian Cumming MBE as chief executive. Wing commander Cumming was in the RAF for 27 years, serving in the RAF Regiment that specialises in protecting overseas operations bases headquarters and airfields from enemy or terrorist attack. Serving in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, he also completed multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and served as a United Nations military observer during the Cambodian civil war and head of RAF Corporate Communication for two years. His final role in the RAF was as military liaison officer to the Pentagon and White House. he was awarded an MBE in 2007 for his work in Basra and on retiring from the military, he worked as director of fundraising and communications for the charity Guideposts.



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